How to pick a hormone pills

How to pick a hormone pills
 Hormonal treatments have become a unique discovery of the twentieth century. Modern woman is difficult to imagine how my grandmother and great-grandmother did without such right pills. After all, they not only prevent unwanted pregnancies, but also treated.
 Contraceptives are drugs that require individual selection. And usually this should do a gynecologist. To make proper use blood test for hormones. All modern hormones belong to several groups.

Preparations from each group fit a certain category of women, taking into account the following factors: woman gave birth or not yet suffer if hormonal disorders of the body, or other diseases, age.

Combined oral contraceptives are divided into the following types:

Mikrodozirovannye hormones. This contraception for nulliparous and young women, leading a regular sex life. Excellent hormonal contraceptive for those who they have never used ("Novinet", "Logest", "Mersilon").

Low-dose hormone preparations. This means for nulliparous and young women who are sexually active, if the use of hormonal drugs mikrodozirovannyh not come to block ovulation. They are also suitable for nulliparous women and women of reproductive age ("Yasmin", "Marvelon", "regulon", "Rigevidon", "Janine").

Srednedozirovannye hormonal treatments - excellent contraception for women who have given birth or late reproductive age who are regular sex life ("Chloe", "Diane-35", "Desmoulins").

Vysokodozirovannye hormonal drugs are primarily used for the treatment of hormonal etiology, also used as a contraceptive for women who have given birth or late reproductive age who are regular sex life, if the application of low and srednedozirovannyh hormonal preparations not come blocking ovulation ("Erikvilar "," Three-regolith "," Milvane "," Ovidon "," Non-ovlon ").

Progestin oral contraceptives - contraceptives taken by women during lactation, as well as to give birth or late reproductive age, leading a regular sex life, with contraindications to the use of combined oral contraceptives. Also, drugs are used in treatment of fibroids and endometriosis and other diseases ("Laktinet" "Ekslyuton" "Charozetta" "Norkolut" "Mikrolyut" "Mikronor").

Check out the groups of hormones and determine exactly what is right for you, check the list of drugs the group, carefully read the instructions, pay special attention to contraindications. If the use of this drug are no contraindications you do not, at its discretion, select any.

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