How to beat depression during pregnancy

How to beat depression during pregnancy
 Depression during pregnancy is not always possible to avoid even the women who planned and long-awaited child. Of course, the mood swings associated with this condition, business as usual, but when you are in a more dreary and dismal mood, you should pay attention to it and the time to take action.

Signs of depression in young mothers

Of course, signs of depression may be different for each woman, as well as external causes that provoked it. She too can manifest in different ways: some women become very tearful, others are constantly in a bad mood, others are irritated by every little thing. But depression in pregnant women does not limit its influence only on the emotional state of the expectant mother, it can affect her behavior and even health. Therefore, you should be wary of her symptoms and react to them. Signs of depression during pregnancy can be attributed; apathy, attention, constant anxiety, irritability, sleep disturbance, fatigue and constant feeling of fatigue, sadness, lack of Smiles.

What do pregnant in the doldrums

Realize that life during pregnancy ends, continue to go to work, meet friends, with his family, do not deny yourself in entertainment, not to eliminate from what is happening around them.

During pregnancy, you can literally pounce lot of cases and concerns. At work, you will need to complete and pass all his affairs, at home you need to prepare everything for the birth of your baby, make repairs, buy a dowry, etc. You too take on their fragile shoulders, you need to relax and to review priorities. At the moment, the most important - taking care of your health and well-being of the child. Take time to relax, to take care of yourself, it will help you cope with all the scheduled works.

Take care of your health, visit the sports classes for expectant mothers, go to the pool - it's not just charging for the body, physical activity and energize your soul.

You must understand that now you are responsible not only for themselves but also for the physical and mental health of the unborn child. You are an adult, responsible person, so try to nip in the bud their bad thoughts or mood.

Do not suffer alone - consult and share their experiences with friends who have children with relatives. Consult with a psychologist, if depression was delayed.

Whatever your circumstances, the child should not suffer from it, and to change them, falling into a depression, you still can not. Therefore it is better to enjoy the pleasures of the future mothers, often walk, look good, good movies, listen to your favorite music.

Tags: pregnancy, depression, pregnant, sign direct