Exercises for a quick recovery after childbirth

Exercises for a quick recovery after childbirth
 During pregnancy, the woman's weight is increased not only by the weight of the child she is, but also due to the action of many other factors, ranging from hormonal changes and ending with physical inactivity. Therefore, one of the issues of concern to many women after childbirth, is the question of how to recover faster and bounce back, returning the old forms.

When and how you can start doing physical exercise

Postpartum period, which for women starts with the birth of the child, continues 8-10 weeks, this time for the body of a young mother enough to complete a full restoration of all systems and organs. This, of course, does not apply to the mammary glands in the case of breast-feeding. These 2 months should not lose if you want to recover more quickly after giving birth, in the mistaken belief that you are in this period, any exercise contraindicated. On the contrary, the sooner you start to make efforts to regain the slim and fit figure, the faster and easier your body will cope with this task. Exercises that will help you quickly get in shape, you can also select by watching video on the Internet.

Avoid strong tension and sudden movements, especially in the first 1-2 weeks after birth, the room in which you are engaged, must be previously well ventilated and it should not be hot.

You can start the first exercise of this or any other complex is literally on the same day when the birth took place, and keep doing them as long until the end of the post-natal period. Guarantee efficiency will become a regular and repeatable - during the day you will have to pay 2-3 times for 15-20 minutes to do the exercises, it is better to choose the time after feeding the baby, so that he fell asleep, and you do not interfere with breast filled with milk. Those exercises that are performed in the supine position, can be done on the unfolded couch or bed, if only the surface is flat and rigid. You will also need a small hard pillows and comfortable clothes, it does not necessarily have to be a sports suit is fine and knitted pajamas home. All exercises should be repeated 10-12 times.

Exercises to prevent varicose veins

This is one of the most common complications after childbirth, so you should always try to minimize the risk of blood clots. Lie on your back, legs slightly bend at the knees to the feet were pressed to the surface, extend hands along the body, palms down. Stretch your legs, not throwing knees firmly squeeze the fingers and relax them again several times.

From the starting position pull forward and straighten your right leg, toe to pull the power as much as possible, but not quick to feel how tense the muscles of your thighs and ankle. Do the exercises first, right foot, return to the starting position and repeat this left foot.

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles and the development of diaphragmatic breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing - a natural and proper, it promotes weight loss and stimulates blood circulation and blood supply. When you are used to breathing chest, diaphragmatic breathing skills necessary to restore. If you do these exercises correctly, you should have a feeling of slight dizziness - this will increase the amount of oxygen reaching the brain. In addition, these exercises will help remove the stomach.

Lie on your back, legs slightly bent at the knees and move them a little, put the feet parallel to each other, put both hands on the lower abdomen. Make a slow breath in through your nose and feel as if this was inflated and rounded belly. Make a slow exhale through your mouth while trying as hard as possible to pull the stomach, while making hands stroking motion from the pubis toward the navel. Repeat this inhale-exhale 10 times, and then do this exercise lying alternately on one side and the other, for the convenience of placing a small pillow under your head.

Exercises for a quick recovery after childbirth

Take the starting position, lying on his back and bending your knees. Your head, chest and buttocks must be on the same level. One hand fold and put on his head, a second squeeze into a fist and lean it on the surface of the bed around the navel. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, lift your pelvis, keeping it closed fist hand. Then repeat the exercise, lying on the right first, then on the left side.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the perineum

The muscles of the perineum and vagina stretched by passing the baby through the birth canal, also need to be strengthened. For the next exercise, lie on your stomach and put it under him a small pillow to body weight does not put pressure on his chest. Hands bend at the elbow, and put them under the chin. Breathe in deeply and exhale nose mouth while performing translational motion pelvis.

Warning! If you were tears and tissues of the perineum stitches, these exercises should only be done after the joints are completely healed. This typically may require 2-3 weeks.

To strengthen the muscles of the vagina, perineum and sphincter lying on a bed or sitting on a chair at every opportunity, not quickly compress and decompress them first at a time, and then try to do it separately. After some training it you should have.

Tags: born Ambassador, recovery, exercise period