Effect of pregnancy on the psyche of women

Effect of pregnancy on the psyche of women
 During pregnancy there are not only physiological changes in a woman's body, but changes her mental state. It is very different from that of women before pregnancy.
 During pregnancy, a woman may experience mood swings, for example, it can for nothing very upset or yell at a child or a husband, and a few minutes later to scold myself for what happened and apologize to the family. For herself all this anxiety and inexplicable.

But the mood swings - a phenomenon quite understandable. Such changes are directly related to the fact that during pregnancy a common hormonal changes. "Flashes" progesterone and estrogen do something whiny pregnant and unsure of their abilities, the strong and powerful.

In addition, mood swings often explain the adaptation of the body of the future mother to his new position. That is why more often than usual mood instability observed in the first trimester, along with nausea, dizziness and other symptoms of pregnancy.

The second trimester is characterized by relatively stable emotional background - was toxemia, the body has had time to adapt to the new situation, the woman feels like moving inside of her baby. During this period, there is an increase of efficiency in pregnant women. In addition, in most cases they retain a positive view on many things.

In the third trimester of mood swings may be back. This is partly explained by the discomfort that feels pregnant: sleep problems, late toxicosis, swelling and more. Also, the expectant mother may experience fear and anxiety about the upcoming event - the birth of the baby.

With a bad mood and unfounded fears must be addressed. A huge help in this can be slow walks in the fresh air and melodious music.

And fear and negative thoughts recede faster if pregnant will feel close to a strong shoulder of her husband and his loving support. Feel it is important for a woman always, and especially during pregnancy.

If you still pregnant (or her family) worried about her mental state, you can always seek professional medical help.

Tags: time, pregnancy, state, woman, pregnant, influence, differential