Please note: we are talking about the constant use of beer. This means that a woman who drank half a glass of this drink will not harm the health of your child, while the expectant mother, consumed daily or in large doses, the patient's risk of having a baby. At constant excessive use of beer increases the likelihood of miscarriage. That's why pregnant women should be very careful and try not to drink alcoholic beverages.
Beer is particularly harmful to those to whom it is contraindicated for health reasons. This is particularly true for women with kidney disease, because the use of beer will only aggravate the situation and could lead to a sharp deterioration in the health of both the mother and her unborn child.
If a pregnant woman feels that she wanted to have a beer, it certainly does not make her a bad mother. Just her body, forced to feed the rapidly growing body of her baby requires additional vitamins. The problem can be solved in several ways. Firstly, it is necessary to consult a doctor and start taking special vitamin complexes that he would recommend. Second, you can drink a glass of carrot juice, because it contains some vitamins that are in the beer, but this drink is much more useful for the woman and her baby. And finally, thirdly, you can drink a little beer, do not forget that you can not abuse it.