Back pain during pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy
 Pain in the lumbar and sacral while carrying the baby experience the vast majority of women. That is why many of them believe this phenomenon is quite natural and does not even find it necessary to mention it when viewed from a doctor. However, not always back pain during pregnancy such a harmless symptom. On why they occur and how to handle them, tell a women's magazine JustLady.

Backache in pregnancy: Causes

Pregnancy - a time when a woman's body takes a lot of changes. The first is, of course, weight gain, which can not but affect the condition of the spine. Moreover, since the addition takes place mainly in the abdomen, the center of gravity changes. A woman has to adapt to a situation in which changes its posture and gait. Hence the additional load on the spine.

In addition, during pregnancy the body starts to produce a special hormone - relaxin. Its main function is to slightly soften the connective tissues and ligaments. It is necessary to make the birth canal more elastic. For baby is definitely good and even necessary. For the expectant mother is not so rosy. Firstly, it is already straining the spine to bend under the weight of the abdomen. Secondly, the softening of the cords does not contribute to maintain the posture.

Back pain during pregnancy arise from the relaxation of the abdominal muscles, which in the normal state also act as a natural corset and maintain posture.

Warning sign is when the back pain during pregnancy are accompanied by fever, dysuria. These may be symptoms of pyelonephritis - kidney disease that must be treated to avoid fetal abnormalities.

If the pain is severe, similar to the fight and is accompanied by dysuria, a doctor is better to address immediately. Such symptoms characteristic of renal colic, which occurs in case of kidney stones.

Back pain during pregnancy often occur in women and if any violations were before pregnancy. You might know and not to know, and now because of the increased load on the spine, they showed themselves. In this case it is particularly important to diagnose the disease at the time of the first manifestations, as if no action is taken, the condition may worsen after childbirth.

Also painful even in the early stages may experience malotrenirovannye women, with weak back muscles and abdominals.

Usuallyback pain during pregnancy to begin about 20 tinedelnomu deadline, but in some cases may start with a 5-7 second week. So what happens, as has been said, if you already are diseases of the spine, due to muscle weakness, and if a pregnant woman has a long time to be in the same position (long sit, stand).

In the last three months of back pain are often evidence of the preparation of the body for childbirth. They differ cramping in nature, while the doctor diagnoses increased muscle tone of the uterus. This is normal, unless it has not joined other symptoms.

It should be wary if the pain becomes stronger, accompanied by small intervals between contractions, secretions. Such symptoms may indicate preterm labor.

Back pain during pregnancy: how to handle them

The main thing you have to do - be sure to inform your doctor about pain began. If the doctor says you're all okay, and your illness - a consequence of the normal physiological changes that will help you general advice.

Do not stay long in the same position, often change pozu.Esli sit on a chair, lean back on. So you reduce the load on the spine. During sleep, the better to lie on your left side. In this case, under the right foot to bend and put on an extra pillow. This posture will not only relieve the tension from the waist, but will not interfere with blood flow.

Ifback pain during pregnancy arose because of the weakness of muscles, you can buy a special bandage. About what is right for you and how long it can be worn, it is best to consult a doctor.

During pregnancy increases the need for vitamins and mineral elements. The desired complex you recommend a doctor, but it would be good and correct diet. Try to eat more vegetables, be sure to eat fish, foods rich in calcium. After all, the lack of calcium triggers the disease of the spine and bones.

Talk with the doctor about the special gymnastics classes for pregnant women. These exercises will help you learn how to breathe correctly, saturate the blood with oxygen, strengthen muscles. Regular walking at a moderate pace will also help strengthen the muscles.

Watch the load, try not to go long or stand. Gravity lift is not recommended, especially on his outstretched hands. If you want to pick something up off the floor, it is better to sit than to bend. Avoid high heels and tight shoes. Pillow to sleep, choose a medium-sized, so not too curved spine in the supine position.

Back pain during pregnancyWhich appeared as a result of spinal disorders before pregnancy, require special treatment. You may be assigned to a massage, as well as some physiotherapy (for a certain period and at a sufficiently good general condition). Take any action without consulting a doctor is dangerous: heating, medication without a doctor's appointment, inept massage can lead to unpleasant consequences.

In conclusion I would like to remind you that if conventionalback pain during pregnancy somehow changed since the last inspection, be sure to tell your doctor. If the pain is getting worse and accompanied by a number of anxiety symptoms, seek help immediately.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pregnancy