How to determine the time of ovulation

How to determine the time of ovulation
 Ovulation occurs at all in different periods, which can be set via a gynecologist and a few techniques. Each of the procedures will help identify the most fertile days.
 Refer to the gynecologist. The specialist will conduct a survey of the pelvic organs, take the necessary strokes. Be sure to tell him information about the duration of their menstrual cycle. Start with daily measurement of basal body temperature, the result is written. This procedure is based on exposure to hyperthermal progesterone thermoregulation center, which is located in the hypothalamus. In the normal cycle with an increase in the secretion of progesterone by the corpus luteum of the ovary basal temperature increases to 0, 4-0, 8 degrees. The lack of temperature rise during the second half cycle or substantial swings in the first measurement and the second half of the cycle indicate anovulation.

Data on the occurrence of ovulation can be obtained on an outpatient basis by analyzing the cervical mucus. The test is based on certain characteristic changes in the mucosa during the menstrual cycle under the influence of estrogen and progestogen. There are several samples: determination of the amount of mucous secretion, the phenomenon of pupil tension mucus. When ovulation occurs the greatest amount of mucus, at the same time diagnosed maximum diameter of the external os, which appears dark and resembles the pupil.

To detect the moment of ovulation can be an ultrasound. Using a special sensor examine the ovaries and uterus of a woman, on the basis of what makes a conclusion about the ability to conceive in a given period. The same method can be tracked in a follicle and draw conclusions about the time interval suggest the onset of menstruation and fertile days.

And can determine ovulation by the test. Such devices are commercially available in any pharmacy. Using a small tube with a special window or sticks, soaked in the desired composition, it is possible to carry out the procedure at home. The effectiveness of the test is only possible when used daily throughout the cycle. If your period lasts 6-7 days with a cycle of 21-23 days, it is possible that ovulation and menstruation will come at the same time.

Gynecologist can indirectly determine the moment of ovulation by the results of smears taken from the vaginal mucosa. During the period of ovulation increases the surface of cells and a significant reduction in the intermediate, which indicates a high estrogen saturation of the body.

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