Tone of the uterus
Tone of the uterus - is, in fact, a bit painful or painless uterine contractions. If a pregnant woman feels spasms in the abdomen, the latter becomes like a stone (this is especially noticeable in the 2nd half of pregnancy), it is the tone. He is diagnosed with external examination by a gynecologist.
At the tone of the uterus, doctors advise to take a horizontal position to rest lying on its side. You can also use a candle Papaverina or take a pill antispasmodic.
If ultrasound was detected tone, this is not an indication for treatment or hospitalization. The uterus is a muscular organ, and it is quite possible that she occasionally reduced. This is normal, if the reduction occurs periodically, as well as a short and painless.
Often, abdominal pain felt in early pregnancy. If they do not cause great discomfort, while there is no bleeding or other symptoms of the disease and the possible pathology, the treatment in this case is not required. In early pregnancy pain in the lower abdomen may occur due to hormonal changes in the middle - the accelerated growth of the uterus, and at the end of this period - with the preparation of the uterus for the upcoming birth.
Preliminary fights
Usually minor abdominal pain in pregnancy occur in the later stages. In this case, the pain may indicate preliminary bout. Because the uterus is preparing to leave. In some women, this process begins at 32 weeks, others for one or two weeks before the birth. Someone or ignores these weak contractions, or considers it normal and does not pay any special attention.
It has been observed that women who give birth for the first time, experience the preliminary fights more often than give birth again.
It is extremely important to learn to distinguish the true from the preliminary fights that start directly in the process of childbirth. Unlike true labor, preliminary last irregularly for a few seconds, and they are not amplified. Removed such pain is easy enough: you can lie down, breathe deeply and relax. Often in such cases makes the adoption of warm (but in any case not hot) bath.
Gynecological Pathology
Two reasons above are variants of the norm. However, an urgent need to consult a doctor if:
- These states are accompanied by brown or red vaginal discharge;
- There are clear or greenish discharge from the vagina (this may be the amniotic fluid);
- Pain in the lower zhivotadlitsya for a few minutes;
- Pain is not removed antispasmodics and enhanced;
- There is a weakness, dizziness, flies in front of the eyes, and so on. D.
In other words, it is necessary to consult a doctor if the condition worsens. Such symptoms can talk about the threat of miscarriage or already begun the process, ectopic or missed abortion, term or preterm labor, and so on. D.
Other causes of abdominal pain in pregnancy
However, pain in the stomach expectant mothers are not always the result of pregnancy and occurs due to gynecological problems. There may be other reasons.
Firstly, cystitis and other diseases of the excretory system. The ureter is adjacent to the internal reproductive organs, but because such pain is often confused with gynecologic. Typically, in such cases, the pain occurs suddenly. In addition, it is different "Stitching" character. In addition to abdominal pain, there is a painful and frequent urination.
Genitourinary system treats urologist. This disease should not be run because it is an infection that is not safe for the baby. Various folk remedies, such as bearberry, can help the poor. Therefore it is better that the doctor appointed effective medications that are permitted for use in pregnant women.
Second, lower abdominal pain can occur due to problems with the intestines: diarrhea, constipation, bloating. It should be noted that the last two of which appear frequently in pregnant women. Constipation is caused by:
- Displacement of internal organs due to the growth of the uterus;
- A decrease in physical activity;
- The use of insufficient quantities of liquid;
- Malnutrition.
Bloating caused by ingestion of carbonated water and some food. If the same thing constipation, sometimes enough to go to the toilet to pass over abdominal pain.
Third, it may be a rotavirus infection or poisoning. Their symptoms are very similar. In most cases, these effects begin with cramping pains in the lower abdomen. Sometimes the pain goes above - in the navel. Thereafter, the vomiting and (or) diarrhea.
Fourth, it is possible appendicitis. Drawing pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy does not always indicate minor ailments or tone. Pain may be a symptom of appendicitis, especially if it is a pain-sided and accompanied by fever. Correct diagnosis should put surgeon.
If the pain for 1-2 hours, not only persists but increases should not all be blamed on an intestinal disorder, as well as to use drugs such as "smectic" because it is very dangerous. If you need surgery will not be held on time, it can lead to peritonitis.