The cause of gingivitis can be neglect oral hygiene, resulting in the growth of bacteria, hormonal changes a pregnant woman, as well as the presence of tartar.
If you do not try to time to cure gingivitis, it can develop into a more serious disease - periodontitis. Wherein harmful microorganisms are beginning to penetrate deeper and affect bone and tissue retaining teeth.
Most doctors opinion that patients with periodontitis have a higher risk of having a baby with low birth weight. And oral infections in pregnant contribute to the early development of the baby tooth decay.
The state of the gums directly affects the health of the teeth. Periodontitis can lead to loosening and subsequent loss of teeth. Therefore it is very important to cure the underlying disease before conceiving a child. An experienced doctor will do a professional cleaning and give necessary recommendations for oral care at home.
During pregnancy, the most appropriate dates for the treatment of gingivitis is considered the second trimester. Because the disease is not always possible to eliminate completely, the aim of this procedure is the constant control over the level of plaque and reduce infection in the mouth. Residual effects of the disease are quite often after breastfeeding.
The main methods of treatment of gingivitis include a thorough oral care. This use of special toothpastes and brushes, as well as ointments, reduce inflammation of the gums. Perhaps the dentist will prescribe an antimicrobial mouth rinse.
To stop bleeding and relieve pain in the gums need to rinse your mouth with infusion of herbs. Pregnant women can be used for this chamomile, linden blossom, walnut leaves. It would be good to buy at the pharmacy tincture or gel Rotokan Metrogil-Dent.
For the treatment and prevention of gingivitis recommended rubbed into Kalanchoe juice gum or a mixture of honey and salt in a ratio of 1: 4. Brushing your teeth need at least twice a day and after meals rinse your mouth with water. It is better to buy a soft synthetic toothbrush. At the slightest sign of gum disease and tooth decay is an urgent need seem dentist.