False pregnancy: symptoms and causes

False pregnancy: symptoms and causes
 False pregnancy is extremely rare. This is a real phenomenon, whose causes are not fully understood. Currently identify false pregnancy is not difficult, the main time to see a doctor who will not only diagnosis but also prescribe treatment.  
 The main reasons for false pregnancy, doctors often include hormonal and psychological abnormalities. This usually happens when a woman really wants to become a mother, and with bated breath waiting for the next menstruation. At some point there are all the attributes of the present pregnancy, but in fact the embryo in the uterine cavity is not. In some cases this problem encountered in premenopausal women.

False pregnancy, as usual, is manifested by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, increase in the abdomen and frequent changes of mood. Sometimes the patient feels even stir in the uterus. If you now identify such deviation is possible by means of medical equipment, the previously some ladies came to the family department allegedly for 9 months.

If you notice an symptoms, but sure not in a position, be sure to visit the gynecologist. Already at the first examination, the doctor will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis. Usually cervical softening is observed when a false conception. It is also possible to conduct a test and which responds to hormones produced by the placenta. In the absence of a fetus in the uterus test will show a negative result.

When hormonal failure during a false pregnancy in rare cases, the test shows a positive result. But it can deny passing ultrasound procedure and passing all the necessary tests.

Treatment of false pregnancy sometimes takes months or even years. Throughout the time the woman is under the supervision of a psychologist and a psychiatrist. Can help the patient and family, to convince her that no child she carries. Also, the doctor will prescribe medication and to help normalize hormonal and psychological state. Normal pregnancy after false possible, so do not worry about it.

Tags: pregnancy symptom, symptoms, causes