How to treat eczema

How to treat eczema
 Eczema, like any other skin disease requires long-term treatment. To get rid of this disease, should show patience and willpower. The success of the recovery depends on the timely treatment by a dermatologist and careful dieting.
 Eczema - Disease neuro-allergic nature, which leads to inflammation of the skin, its reddening and itching. The etymology of this disease is still unknown. However, there are several factors that may contribute to its occurrence. This may be, for example, an abnormality in feeding a child, metabolic changes in the human body. Eczema also provoke constant stress, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, some infectious diseases. Fungi, mites and bacteria provide fertile ground for eczema.

Eczema can be of three types: true, microbial and seborrheic. When true eczema on the skin formed bubbles that get wet combing, and the skin around them is red. In this case, there is a strong itch. But these features are typical only true for acute eczema. If it is chronic, wetting does not occur, and the affected areas are shelled and sore itchy place. Microbial eczema is most often seen in the form of small plaques, fistulas, ulcers, affecting mainly the arms and legs. Another variation of this disease - seborrheic dermatitis, which is mostly concentrated on the head in the form of itchy yellow-white scales. Also, when seborrheic dermatitis affects the face and the sternum, resulting in facial form rytvinki.

Treatment of the disease is to eliminate factors provoking. If the eczema is more pronounced after eating any product, you need to eliminate it from your diet. In addition, during the exacerbation of the disease should take vitamins and sedatives. After stressful experiences give yourself enough sleep and rest. Try to stick to a diet. People suffering from eczema, is a lacto-vegetarian diet with the exception of sharp, salty and smoked foods. Should also limit the consumption of products that produce histamine (chocolate, cocoa, coffee) and citrus (oranges, lemons). Completely eliminate from your diet the foods allergic reaction to which you most acute. To find out exactly what the allergen causes you such a reaction, eat 4 days in a row only one cereal. Then add in the diet of the alleged product-allergen. So a few sessions of fasting, you will learn what triggers your eczema is most.

When the first symptoms of eczema should not often take a shower. To wash you need to buy glycerin soap and a soft towel that will not irritate your skin. Wash your hair gentle shampoo and best balm. Also use herbal infusions for rinsing hair. In allergic diseases of the skin, eczema, dermatitis well help in a series of baths and nettle. In order not to aggravate the disease, do not wear wool sweaters and synthetic materials.

Drug treatment involves receiving corticosteroid agents (hydrocortisone, akriderm) and antihistamines. But remember that the medication is effective only in conjunction with the methods of treatment mentioned above.

Tags: skin diathesis, eczema, immunity, disease, illness, treatment, decline