How to treat adenoids

How to treat adenoids
 Adenoids - an inflammatory disease in the nasopharynx, where the pharyngeal tonsil tissue increases. Most often this disease occurs in children aged three to eleven years. Less frequent is an adult.
 In this disease, a person all the time stuffy nose, concerned about the profuse discharge from him. Also possible dizziness, insomnia. This disease mainly affects people often ill sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis media. If the adenoids are not treated, may appear different backfire. For example: disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, may impair the formation of the facial bones, teeth, and others.

Adenoids usually surgically removed, but many against it. After you delete only a consequence of the disease, but does not eliminate the cause. Therefore, in the future may cause the disease again. You can try to treat this disease with the help of traditional medicine. Good help infusion of herbs. Take one tablespoon of chamomile flowers, a tablespoon of eucalyptus leaves. Add a teaspoon of birch leaves and mix everything carefully. Cup of boiling water brew a tablespoon of herb mixture and leave for one hour. The resulting infusion drip into the nose three drops twice a day.

Well established in the treatment of this disease broth celandine. In a glass of milk, place a teaspoon of celandine herbs and boil. Then cool and strain. Bury means nostrils two drops of five times per day. At night is useful to do this decoction compress on his throat. Ten stuff spicy cloves pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 4:00. Bury your nose in two drops four times a day. This tool will quickly eliminate the disease. It is also possible to use aloe juice. To do this, it is best to use svezheotlomlenny sheet. Squeeze the juice out of it and the drip two drops in each nostril three times daily. It is useful to regularly wash nasal passages with brine.

Tags: means adenoids consequence, disease, treatment, symptom