How to identify kidney disease

How to identify kidney disease
 Kidney disease - a common pathology in which the objective complaints may appear too late, as if the disease affects one kidney, the other works for two in emergency mode. Timely diagnosis can prevent structural changes that lead to kidney dysfunction. Methods of diagnosis include laboratory tests, instrumental and hardware research biopsy.  
 When kidney disease mainly affects urination, it is becoming rare, frequent, painful. Patient edemas, preferably those changes by weight, appetite, increased or decreased body temperature, may be present as back pain, which are indefinite and localization observed both in the resting stage and when moving or pain on one side of the back.

For the diagnosis of the doctor prescribes a complete blood count, showing an inflammatory process. Biochemical analysis allows you to set the concentration of urea. Normal values ​​are considered to be 15-90 mg creatinine level is also checked. Be sure to research on antibodies antistreptolisin About (ASLO), which confirms the presence of a bacterial infection, most commonly strep.

Appointed urinalysis helps to determine the presence of protein and red blood cells. During normal operation the protein is absent, no more than 1000 red blood cells in 1 mL of urine.

Ultrasound to determine the size of the kidneys, the presence of impurities that are always talking about the disease.

If necessary, a biopsy. With a fine needle fragments are taken for histological examination, which allows to exclude the presence of malignant fragments.

For a more detailed survey used a CT scan, which allows accurate diagnosis and determine the size of the kidneys, foreign inclusions, focal lesions.

Excretory urography - a radiographic examination, allowing to diagnose the degree of functional renal impairment. The patient is administered a radiopaque substance, and its passage through the different parts of the kidney. This method of investigation is indicated for suspected renal failure and urinary tract obstruction.

Only a comprehensive examination allows the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Tags: disease, illness, diagnosis, examination, symptom