How to get rid of the adenoids

How to get rid of the adenoids
 The problem of enlarged adenoids, which are growths of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx, facing many children aged 2-3 years and 8-10 years (and sometimes more). It is believed that after 8-9 years adenoids begin to gradually decrease in size, but most teenagers they disappear completely.
 But just wait adolescence in the hope that gradually all the problems go away by themselves - is fundamentally wrong, because during that time you can earn a lot of complications, including irreversible (eg, persistent hearing loss). However, none qualified specialist not recommend removing overgrown adenoids, without trying to treat them conservatively. Therefore, parents must be armed with the knowledge of how to get rid of the adenoids.

First of all, consult the child at ENT doctor (and if there is any doubt, then a few). The specialist must make a diagnosis, determine the extent of proliferation (there are three) and make sure that the child is no concomitant diagnosis (sinusitis, etmoidita) because sinusitis are frequent companions overgrown adenoids.

The most important thing - to restore nasal breathing, for which there are vasoconstrictor drops, which use longer than 7 days in a row is not recommended, so use them only at the beginning of treatment, and then indicated.

After application of such droplets (10-15 minutes), rinse thoroughly with the baby's nose by any brine, which can be bought in a pharmacy or cook yourself at the rate of a teaspoon of salt (sodium chloride or purified sea from the pharmacy) per liter of boiled water. Flush your nose, you can use special systems or from a syringe or syringe (sitting or standing, leaning slightly forward, but in any case not lying, not to provoke a throw of fluid in the Eustachian tube and, as a consequence, the occurrence of otitis media). Small children is best to wash the nose of the pipette (3-4 can bury a pipette in a row). In addition to salt solutions nose can be washed decoctions and infusions of herbs (calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus, horsetail, oak bark), a solution of potassium permanganate furatsillina and, after washing the child should have a good blow your nose (if the baby is still small, help him sopleotsosom or syringe).

Next drip in children's nose peeled a remedy that will recommend a doctor. This may be a solution of silver ("Korralgol" or "Protargol ') antibiotic (in some cases complex droplets composed of several ingredients). Such treatment should be carried out for 10-14 days, from 2 to 4 times per day (depending on the complexity of the situation) can be made for the year to 4 courses;

If not talk about pharmaceutical drugs and the means of traditional medicine, it is very effective in adenoids fresh juice Buriak (can be combined with aloe juice). Many well help long (for 3 weeks in a row) washing the infusion of horsetail (for infusion should pour a glass of boiling water teaspoon horsetail and infuse for half an hour), which should be done 3 times a day, digging for 2-3 pipette into each nostril .

Try to make the child sick less often, because everyone, even not very serious illness (eg, lung SARS), providing a further widening of the adenoid tissue. Give your child time to recover from illness, as far as possible without sending him to kindergarten or school immediately after recovery, and strengthen children's immunity.

Of great importance is the temperature and humidity - the child with enlarged adenoids just need a clean, damp and cool air. So try to remove dust drives, often ventilate the room and wet cleaning.

Tags: adenoid treatment