How to get rid of the swelling of the face

How to get rid of the swelling of the face
 When the body loses its ability to excrete fluid alone, there is swelling. There are several different methods to eliminate this phenomenon is not too pleasant.
 Try to get rid of the swelling of the face with the help of home remedies. Take a raw potato, rub on a medium grater and place the resulting slurry on the face. Fifteen minutes later, the mass can be washed off with cool water. If you do not get the desired effect, use an ordinary green tea. Firmly his brew and soak tea towel. Make a compress on the face. Besides that this procedure helps to reduce swelling, it improves skin tone.

At swollen eyelids can make parsley roots. First grind them to the consistency of porridge and lay out on a napkin, and then attach it to the eyelids for ten minutes.

Help fight swelling minerals, seaweed, bioactive supplements and vitamins. Obtain a mask which carries them, and apply two or three times a week. You immediately feel that the skin back elasticity and swelling disappear. Before you apply the mask, clean skin. Remove makeup with the help of special tools and treat the skin with a cotton pad soaked in tonic or lotion. Apply the mask massage movements, moving from the middle of the face to the edges. Allow the mask specified in the instruction time and rinse with warm water.

In addition to the masks from the tubes can try cloth masks impregnated with a special solution. In this procedure, therapeutic agents penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and have a beneficial effect on her. Cloth masks can be used no more than twice a week.

Ice copes with morning edema. Prepare yourself cosmetic ice. Brew chamomile, celandine or rose petals. Once the broth has cooled sufficiently, they fill a mold for making ice and put in the freezer. Ice cubes can wipe this morning not only the face but also the neck and chest area.

In addition to cosmetic procedures to get rid of the swelling will help massage. If, within a quarter of an hour to stroke and pat the skin with fingertips to massage lines, excess fluid removed, and the natural blood flow is restored.

All of the above methods help eliminate visible manifestations of edema, but if the swelling became regular, you definitely need to see a doctor.

Tags: face