How to cure adenoids folk remedies

How to cure adenoids folk remedies
 Adenoids - is overgrown nasopharyngeal lymphoid tissue. The cause of the disease may be irregularities in the lymphatic system, infection and systemic hypothermia. The important role played by heredity. Chronic inflammation leads to decreased immunity, frequent colds and broncho-pulmonary diseases. One of the treatments adenoids - surgical, but with the help of folk remedies are often able to avoid surgery.
 One of the most effective folk remedies for treatment of adenoids is celandine. Flowering plant scroll through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice and dilute it with water at a ratio of 1:20. Within a month twice daily bury one drop of the solution into each nostril.

When the treatment is finished celandine, do week break. During this period, it is desirable to consult a doctor to assess the dynamics of it. When the effectiveness of the therapy, repeat the treatment celandine. If there is no result or it is not as pronounced as you would like, take advantage of other people's recipes for the treatment of adenoids.

Bury your nose in sea buckthorn or cedar oil. And, both are equally effective in the fight against adenoids. Usually three treatments a day for a month is enough to achieve substantial improvement.

Every day, rinse your nose with a solution of sea salt (teaspoon of salt in a glass of water). In its absence, prepare the following solution: to 200 ml of hot boiled water, add a teaspoon of salt, five drops of iodine and half a teaspoon of baking soda. Thoroughly mix the liquid, and then use it for gargling and rinsing the nose.

Prepare a tea from the leaves of black currant. This vitamin-rich drink boosts immunity and gives the body strength to fight the disease. Tablespoon of dried leaves pour a glass of boiling water. Allow the tea to infuse for half an hour. Drink it three times a day before meals. It is desirable to combine the treatment with black currant dropping into the nose drops of juice of celandine or oils.

Every day, eat a tablespoon of honey. To enhance the effect, buried in the nose of honey and beet drops. For their preparation, mix beet juice and honey in a ratio of 3: 1, here also add a few drops of aloe. Bury these nasal drops 3-4 times a day and within a month you will notice that it became easier to breathe, and almost cold does not bother you.

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