Genital herpes in women, the symptoms and treatment

 Questions like: How do you ugorazdilo? in this case totally unnecessary. You and so at a loss, you feel disgusting, and the meaning of life seems to you completely lost. The case is really quite complicated. Maybe you will be surprised, but in Western countries there is even a support group for people suffering from this disease, namely genital herpes. In America, you clearly will not go - you just do not let go from his job. But please do not despair - women's magazine JustLady become your support in difficult times.

In the category Women's Health: rocking in a car, on a plane, in transport?

The first thing you must to know more about the illness afflicting you.
The disease causes the herpes simplex virus (there are there are two types). You can get it in two ways: as a result of sexual contact with a carrier, or under conditions of poor hygiene. If you have a common cold on the lips, and you, touching the sores, accidentally touching the genitals - expect trouble. In the same way the virus can get on the genitals of one partner to the other's genitals in the presence of fever colds.

The virus enters the nerve cells in the region of the sacral plexus through small cracks and abrasions on the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals. There he stops to "better times". What awakens him to life? The main and the most likely cause doctors believe stress. Tension, temper tantrums, etc. suppress the immune system of the body, and in response it sends a certificate of total surrender - itchy sores in the most inappropriate places.

It is noteworthy thatget genital herpesYou can for a long time do not even know about it. While you're at peace, to comply with diet and hygiene disease may not appear for years. Moreover, being a carrier of the virus and do not know about it, you become a danger to their partner. Herpes rash may be located not only outside but also on the cervix or urethra. Therefore, if you were ever any doubt, it is better to use a condom.

And if the disease is in an active phase, that is visible to the naked eye, from sex altogether logical refrain, because to get the virus from a partner with obvious manifestations of the disease several times easier.

However, the disease may not awaken only stress, although all the other reasons is also directly related to the weakening of the immune system. For example, you overheated in the sun or vice versa supercooled, abused alcohol, very worried, or you have just started menstruating - all of these reasons may be the start button for the malicious virus.

Usually, the first manifestationGenital herpes manifested in the form of itching, tingling, swelling, or redness in the genital area, as well as on the inside of the thighs, buttocks. The next stage is the characteristic blisters, fever, general malaise. Further, the bubbles burst, and in their place are formed sores, from which after a while no trace remains.

First relapse occurs most rapidly. Then, the body produces antibodies to the virus, and the next reactivation runs more quietly, though better of it becomes.
Particular note must be the risk to which you are exposed in the case of infection during pregnancy. The herpes virus is able to cause great harm to the baby during childbirth.

What to do with this terrible disease?
Prevention is the only certainty in your partner's health and personal hygiene.

But if everything has already happened, you too can take some action.
In the first two hours after contact with a carrier of the virus, doctors advise to apply betadine. The drug is in the form of suppositories inserted into the vagina, and betadine solution is recommended to treat genital area, thighs, abdomen and buttocks. Absolute guarantee to you in this case, the doctors will not give, but it will be still better than nothing.

In the case of an explicitgenital herpes infection and the emergence of bubbles do not need to panic (you remember that the main cause reactivation - stress), otherwise only hurt yourself even more. To start you must firmly grasp,What you should not do in any case.

1. Do not touch the sores hands. You can accidentally move the infection to other parts of the body, and there they will look no less terrible.

2. If you fear that you can touch them in a dream, make the night a small protective pad of the bandage or gauze. Do not use heavy or synthetic tissue - the skin needs to breathe to bubbles dried up.

3. In no case do not lubricate sore ointments. It is clear that when he saw the ugliness, you kineshsya treat them all possible means. And the first thing you come to mind - antibiotic ointments. They will not help, as well as petroleum jelly, and other fatty substances. Bubbles should dry out and form a dense film ointment, through which air does not penetrate, so that such treatment is only harm.

4. Do not have sex during the acute illness, and when it will take place is still better to use a condom.

Now let's see what you can do to improve their condition.

1. The most important thing at this time - to strengthen the immune system. Try to eat right (excluding sweet, fat, alcohol) to take vitamins, get plenty of rest and do not forget about physical exercises. Physicians are advised to take special supplements, such as "Lysine", "Gerpinat."

2. Try to look at the world is not so gloomy. Although herpes and is considered "incurable disease", it does not mean that there is no medical treatment. Drugs such as acyclovir, Panavir, Valtrex created specifically to deal with genital herpes. These tools can be found in tablets and ointments. Remember, only these special ointments can help you, do not use anything else, including hormones. Hormonal, in particular cortisone ointment, weaken the immune system and, therefore, only helps the virus to conquer new territory.

3. For the daily hygiene with soap and water - the skin in the affected areas should always be clean to a bursting wound did not get infected. After washing can not be wiped with a towel, and a hairdryer (choose cool mode).

4. Wear a simple cotton underwear, no synthetics!

5. To facilitate unpleasant sensations try two or three times a day to wet the affected area with warm water - a lot of help.

6. The biggest challenge for you can be a trip to the toilet. If the sores are located close to the urethra, urine, getting to them can cause unbearable itching and burning. From this position you can exit via the tube made of toilet paper - with its help you can divert the stream to the side.

Prevention and treatment of genital herpes folk remedies

For example, between relapses (ie, when there are no obvious symptoms of the disease), you can support the immune system with the help of herbs. Here fit Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus, Chinese magnolia vine and other plants that have a tonic effect. They will help to increase the time between relapses. Just remember that the preparations of these herbs can increase the pressure, so consult with your doctor will not superfluous.

Oak bark, lemon balm, sage and walnuts will have drying effect. Decoctions of these plants can be washed with the skin or add them to the therapeutic baths.
Is considered a good means burning pure essential oils. Oil of geranium, cedar, lavender, tea tree gently applied to the sores undiluted.
If this method seems too radical to you, you can use these materials for compresses. Just dissolve 3-4 drops of oil in a glass of warm water, dip a cloth in the solution and apply to the desired location. This will compress antibacterial and drying effect, helps to calm the virus.

In conclusion I would like to say that today there are vaccines for the prevention andtreatment of genital herpesBut to call them can not be 100% effective, but if you want to try, it is necessary to apply to a special center, where you will be given advice and will provide the necessary assistance.

In any case, engage in treatment alone would be foolish and even dangerous. Only a doctor can recommend you adequate treatment, which helps to live with the disease, and even this life to enjoy.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: antibiotic, hair, pregnancy, Ambassador, colds, forum, virus, herpes, buttocks, thighs, iodine, treatment, wash, body symptom appearance, deliverance, rash, Valtrex, decline, genitals