Allergic to the cold in a child

Allergic to the cold in a child
 After a long stay in the cold skin on the face of the child becomes red, covered with spots, swelling and itching appear - it is the symptoms of allergies. Allergic to the cold in children is associated with impaired heat transfer between the body and the external environment. Children who suffer from this disease, lowered body temperature, chilly hands and feet. Extreme cold can cause tachycardia, hypertension and problems with blood flow. Allergic to the cold occurs more often in children with cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.

Signs of allergy to cold in children:
-krapivnitsa, which is expressed by the appearance of red spots or watery pimples on the skin that are very itchy;
-allergichesky dermatitis, manifested the appearance of red spots on the face, ears, neck, hands, elbow and knee folds of the child;
-blednovataya rash, which appears and disappears in the cold in the heat;
-slezlivost, redness and itching of the eyes;
-zatrudnennoe breathing;
-pripuhlost and redness of the lips in the cold;
-migren caused by cold air and accompanied by nausea and dizziness.

If you are allergic to cold addiction does not occur, and, as a rule, the symptoms are aggravated vice versa as the child grows.

To relieve the symptoms of allergy to cold in children should:
Come on baby special preparations for allergies;
-Before a walk to put on the baby's skin baby cream, and lips - chapstick.

In addition, you must check for the presence of the child's disease, which can cause allergies in the cold. To do this, you need to see a doctor and pass the appropriate tests.

If the child is healthy, to get rid of allergies should:
seeing-tempering procedures;
position occupied by exercise;
-Adopts vitamins A, C, E, PP - they help to improve blood flow;
-upotreblyat food warm, saturated fatty acids;
-with cause dermatitis and ulcers must use special healing ointment.

And be sure before you treat allergic to the cold in a child, you must consult a doctor.

Tags: child forum, allergies, treatment, child, cold