Oral diseases: causes, symptoms, treatment

Oral diseases: causes, symptoms, treatment
 Various diseases of the oral cavity is sick most of humanity. The reasons may be very different - and minor injuries, and the lack of trace elements in the body, all kinds of allergies and reduced immunity, diabetes and diseases of internal organs, poor oral hygiene and more. Having the same tartar may cause an inflammation, it must therefore be removed during. What are the most common oral diseases we face?

Stomatitis, is traumatic and infectious. Traumatic, as the name suggests, is caused by any injuries. Inflamed gums around the wound, swelling. Infectious stomatitis most often appears in people suffering from viral or intestinal diseases. It occurs sometimes with fever, mouth formed painful sores.

To begin the treatment of stomatitis, you must determine its nature, for this visit and the dentist, and the therapist. In addition to soda and rinse the use of antifungal ointments, you must observe a diet, take allergy medications.

Gingivitis usually occurs when digestive problems, from bad environment and unbalanced diet. Also a common cause of gingivitis is tooth decay. Manifested this sore swelling, soreness, it becomes difficult to chew gums bleed.

Treatment of gingivitis begins with the cause of the disease. Must be very strictly follow the oral hygiene, take anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs. You should also pay attention to food, as the problems of the digestive system are very often the main cause of the disease.

Very dangerous disease is periodontal disease, as almost does not cause pain. Therefore, a person does not go to the dentist, and the disease progresses to periodontitis. And this disease is already facing the loss of teeth, and often takes the chronic form.

Oral thrush (candidiasis) may develop as a result of violations of bacterial balance in the mouth. The main symptom of this disease is bright, "milk" lesions in the mouth. Is most common in young children and the elderly. Treat thrush antifungal drugs and malouglevodnoy diet.

The best prevention of any oral disease is careful hygiene, regular (at least twice a year) visits to the dentist. It is important to monitor their diet. It's no wonder they say "we are what we eat." Digestive system problems affecting the entire body, but the most catastrophic impact on the way of the mouth, teeth and gums.

Tags: disease, treatment, infection, symptom, the reason cavity