How to reduce the pressure

How to reduce the pressure
 Hypertension are equally susceptible to both men and women. It can disturb people at almost any age, but over the years the risk of disease increases significantly. This is not to wait for relief - you need to act, because the outcome can be fatal.
 People with chronic hypertension, in some degree easier than those who only occasionally, and may only first, blood pressure rose. For the latter, a new state, and they may not know how to act in such a situation.

To get started, try to figure out what caused a pressure surge. There can be several.

If you have suffered stress and because of this, are under stress, you need to calm down (alone or with medication), relax, take a bath with aromatic oils (suitable orange oil, ylang-ylang, rosemary), drink herbal tea of ​​mint and relax .

The pressure can be increased due to kidney problems (fluid retained in the body), in this case a diuretic drink broth. Go examination and treatment to prevent an increase in pressure in the next time.

There are people who have pressure rises due to changes in the weather, if that is the case - drink green tea with lemon or Hibiscus. Do not neglect the drugs that normalize the pressure, because change in the weather can greatly affect the body and some folk remedies will not suffice.

These are just some of the reasons. In fact, they are much more. In any case, faced with high blood pressure, act immediately. Can reduce the pressure and the following ways:

Make a compress of vinegar. To do this, dilute the vinegar with water, soak it in a piece of cloth and attach to the forehead and heels. This is a very powerful tool. Be careful not to burn the skin.

Normalizes blood pressure a little neck massage. Should be carried out by hand from the ears down the neck to the clavicle. Movement should be directed downward and to avoid strong pressure.

You need to lie on your stomach, and cervical vertebra put ice (with 2 sides of the spine) and wait until it melts. After that grease hands with oil and lightly rub the neck. This tool is not suitable for frequent application (no more than 2 times per week).

Drink juices. This advice is especially useful for people suffering from chronic hypertension. Make a mixture of the following: 0, 5 glasses of vodka, a glass of honey, 0, 5 cups of cranberry juice and a glass of carrot and beet juice, mix and store in a tightly sealed container. One hour before a meal every day, 3 times a day, take 1 tablespoon.

Tags: pressure