Lack of care can quickly lead to the formation of cracks. Be sure to use emollients and pumice that did not increase the formation of the stratum corneum. In this case, the skin is too dry, and then requires a lot of effort to bring the heel in a healthy state. In any case to clean the stratum corneum can not use a razor - is the most common mistake, which could also lead to cracking. Much attention should be paid to the selection of an emollient. It is best to buy it in pharmacies - then you will be confident in the quality of the product.
Help get rid of cornification periodic steaming heels with further removal of horned pumice layer. Take care to healthy skin is not injured. After each of such a procedure is necessary to lubricate the heel fat cream or therapeutic composition, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
If possible, attend every one or two months a beauty salon. A pedicure in one session is able to make your well-groomed heels smooth and pink.
Fungal infections
Very often, the appearance of cracks on the heels cause fungal infections. In this case, one decoupling legs will be insufficient. First you need to remove the infection, and then engage in cosmetic procedures. In any case it is necessary to consult a dermatologist to correctly diagnose the cause of the cracks. A good specialist will always do the necessary tests, and if it turns out that the cause is a fungus treatment accordingly.
If the reason is the emergence of a fungal infection, it will help cure her only special ointments and solutions, which advises dermatologist. Therapeutic compositions heels you can cook at home. Important components for such purposes are oils and glycerol, to help eliminate the excessive dryness of skin and further reduce moisture loss.