How to relieve pain in osteoarthritis

How to relieve pain in osteoarthritis
 The causes of osteoarthritis are different. It may be flat, and the lack of minerals, and high physical activity, and inflammatory diseases, and heredity. Excess weight, lack of exercise, hypothermia, joint injuries can trigger the development of this disease. The most commonly affected: joint of the big toe; knee joints; joints of the spine; metacarpophalangeal joints of hands.
 Treatment of osteoarthritis conducted comprehensively. The impact is directed to local inflammation, degenerative processes and common metabolic disorders. It includes: orthopedic and medical treatment; physiotherapy effects. Load on the joint can reduce the funds orthopedic correction - this knee or elastic bandages (they eliminate additional stress on the cartilage during walking, fix the knee joint from the lateral movements); insoles, arch supports, which are appointed with flat feet; orthopedic footwear worn by shortening the limb.

To relieve pain and reduce inflammation of the joint is introduced into one of the drugs' Tseleston "" Diprospan "" Depo-Medrol, "" Kenalog ". They allow to stop inflammation, to correct and inflammation in the joint and periarticular soft tissues prescribed anti-inflammatory agents ibuprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin, "Tinoktil" "Movalis" "Aertal" nimesulide "Nise" "Voltaren", hydrocortisone, hydrocortisone et al. Anti-inflammatory drugs are administered for up to 3 weeks.

Acceptance of anti-inflammatory drugs must necessarily be combined with local treatment. Have anti-inflammatory properties such ointment: butadionovaya, indomethacin, and others. Well established "Revma-Gel", "Erazon", "For a long cream", "Fastum gel." The ointment is applied 3 times a day to clean skin. Compresses Dimexidum also has good anti-inflammatory effect.

Some clinics do krioblokadu, promising excellent long-term results. It should be noted that this procedure has virtually no contraindications, because it is based on blocking pain receptors ultralow temperatures. Effective for pain relief can be and "Grandma's recipes," for example, grinding or camphor compresses with pine oil or garlic juice.

Effective method for complex treatment of osteoarthritis is chiropractic. When using massage can achieve normalization movement in the joint, remove the joint contracture.

Tags: pain, joint, arthritis, disease