Sclerotherapy. As far as it is difficult and dangerous?

Sclerotherapy. As far as it is difficult and dangerous?
 Speakers nodules veins because of their varicose and spider ugly vessels spoil our feet quite often. They appear almost half as pretty young women after pregnancy and childbirth, and without the presence of seemingly apparent reason. On the cobweb-like blue stars, more like something you can get used to - it does not cause significant physical discomfort, delivering only aesthetic discomfort. But varicose veins is a pretty serious disease. In many cases, the treatment of varicose veins require surgery, and after he has left ugly scars.

How can that be? Is it possible to eliminate such effects and bring your feet in proper condition without much effort? Yes I Am.
Fortunately, varices, and blue spider web on the legs can be eliminated using a very popular method today sclerotherapy. The fact that it is, tells his readers female Internet - Journal JustLady.

Sclerotherapy - Pretty popular today, and quite a quick and easy method of getting rid of cobwebs and vascular nodes veins using injections of the drug "sclerosant". After the introduction of sclerosant in the sore spots they are subject to a compression bandage, promoting law decay of the veins, which eventually disappear completely. This technique is widely distributed beginning back in the sixties of the last century. Initially, however, its implementation was not successful: frequent relapses and complications after injections forced doctors to abandon the use of this method.

Subsequently, in the nineties of the last century, were invented new, less toxic drugs, improved tools forsclerotherapyAnd she has found a new birth. Apply it now to eliminate venous cobwebs and significantly expanded the saphenous veins. With sclerotherapy even removed birthmarks certain type. But with a strong varices use this method, you can only with great caution, as in this case the drug, getting in deep vein thrombosis formation face.

Heldsclerotherapy vein only on the advice of an experienced surgeon on an outpatient basis, in beauty salons or clinics.

In general, contraindications to its carrying almost none. The exceptions are patients with an allergic reaction to the medication, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Furthermore, it is undesirable to do sclerotherapy for people suffering from heart disease, atherosclerosis, and diseases of the lower limbs in skin areas where it should be performed.

Sclerotherapy does not require anesthesia - during procedures there is only a small, well tolerated, tingling. In those places where the drug was introduced, as a rule, there are small bruises, and skin can, for a time, to acquire a brownish tint. Subsequently, it all disappears.

Sclerotherapy sessions takes from twenty minutes to an hour. Before the procedure, the place to be treated are treated with antiseptic, and then into the veins almost painlessly injected sclerosant solution. This method allows you to get rid of almost all of venous nodules and spider veins available on the feet to the top of the treatment.

The most modern form of sclerotherapy is a foam-formsclerotherapy veinWhich is carried out by means of a foam. It is more effective than sclerotherapy, conductivity of the solution - the foam bubbles, filling the affected vessels, almost instantly glue them. Therefore, this treatment requires less time, and the results appear much faster.

In recent years, there is another way to eliminate the small vessels -Laser sclerotherapy. It is used in cases where the classical vein sclerotherapy can not cope with all vascular defects. Reduces the size of laser vessels without damaging the vessels surrounding tissue. This sclerotherapy can be used in extended up to four millimeters of the surface veins of the legs and the general capillary mantle. The results of her actions visible through four - eight weeks after the start of treatment.

Any kind of sclerotherapy sessions do not cause significant inconvenience to patients and do not require any changes in lifestyles. One of the conditions for the effectiveness of this method - reliable compression of the legs, which should be created after sclerotherapy sessions. For it not necessary to use a rather ugly bandages. Now on sale have a special jersey, which not only looks good, but also much more reliable and more convenient to use than the bandages.

Daring to sclerotherapy sessions, you should know that they do not guarantee future reappearance elsewhere spider veins and venous nodules. So whether it was appropriate in this case sclerotherapy? Of Course! It not only eliminates the feeling of psychological discomfort caused by the ugly spider veins and venous nodes, but also prevents the development of severe forms of varicose veins. People who have experienced first hand whatsclerotherapy, reviews on her left most favorable. It removes even the smallest vessels without compromising the feet and the blood circulation without damaging the skin surface.

However, only one treatment does not give full effect - it must be combined with an appropriate diet and moderate exercise. After a session of sclerotherapy for two hours can neither sit nor lie down. It is desirable in this period of time leisurely stroll, making further such walks daily. For two months after the treatment is not recommended to visit the sauna and take hot baths.

Varicose veins and spider mesh can appear in any age. And over time, the number usually increases, covering ugly knots and stains the surface of our legs. Do not wait until the process will take horrendous proportions.Prices for sclerotherapy fairly democratic and available to almost everyone. Therefore, the appearance of stars and nodules, without delay, to a professional - it will help our legs for a long time remain beautiful.

 Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: extension, review, treatment, sclerotherapy