Juice clover: treatment composition, properties and applications

Juice clover: treatment composition, properties and applications
 Have you ever wondered why animals are so fond of clover and often prefer it any other plant foods? Scientists suggest that the whole point of the enormous benefits that can bring clover any living organism. Clover even in dried form, but it is best to take it in the form of fresh juice.

In clover contains a huge range of important proteins, vitamins and minerals. It includes carotene, B vitamins, vitamin E, ascorbic acid and other equally important to human health. Due to such a strong and diverse composition of clover can be used for bronchitis and acute respiratory disease, anemia, atherosclerosis, cancer, diseases of the skin, eye allergies, gout, and for poisoning.

In general, the juice of clover has a wonderful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It can also be used as a styptic, astringent and expectorant. In addition to oral administration, clover juice is useful and externally. It helps with burns, accelerate wound healing, will help to remove the tumor, as well as facilitate the treatment of ear and eye diseases, including allergic. Also clover juice is considered an ideal agent for zagnoenii nail bed. In addition, the juice of clover is able to satisfy rheumatic pains, and at regular rubbed into the scalp it will delay the appearance of gray hair.

Juice clover is quite a powerful tool, it is not recommended to use it inside during pregnancy. Also with care-to-eat clover juice should be taken for people suffering from heart disease and severe form of cancer.

For juicing of clover you'll need all the aerial part of the plant, including stems, leaves and inflorescence. Dried and wilted parts of the plant is better to remove so that your juice was prepared with only the freshest ingredients. Pre-crushed-leaf clover, you can turn into juice using a juicer. In the absence of a kitchen unit, you can chop clover in a blender, and the resulting slurry was diluted with water.
A day is enough to use only one glass of juice clover, making it in three steps - third cup in the morning, a third day and the third evening. To soften the sharp herbal flavor and enhance the action of the medicinal drink is recommended to combine it with honey. As for external application, here you can use clover juice without restrictions on its base making poultices and compresses or rubbing into the skin just pure juice.

To save the most useful properties of clover, squeezed the juice out of it should be consumed within half an hour after cooking. For long term storage of this drink its natural benefits will rapidly decrease. One clover blooms for a long time, from early May until the autumn, so you can prepare fresh juice daily for four consecutive months.

However, there is a way to preserve the beneficial properties of juice for three days. To do this, you will need to sterilized jars with screw cap, where you will be able to pour heavily pre-heated (but not boil) juice and immediately close.

Tags: juice use, property, treatment, composition, use, Trifolium