For scratches several times a day healing ointments - they prevent the formation of scabs and scars. If the crust is still appeared, then do not release it, otherwise will remain an ugly scar - wait until it will disappear by itself. In addition to special gels and ointments to prevent scarring can use castor oil. Dampen one end of a cotton swab and treat scratches, smearing her profusely. Castor oil softens the skin and crust, speed healing wounds. Another effective remedy - sea buckthorn oil. Its fortified structure promotes rapid healing.
For the healing of scratches useful special disinfecting and regenerating lotion. You can prepare it yourself - Pour a teaspoon of propolis glass of alcohol or vodka, insist for three days. Grease a scratch in the morning and evening.
If the scratch is deep enough, then treat it with an antiseptic and cover bactericidal patch by pulling the edge of the wound. Refer to the surgeon - you may need stitches. If all right, consult about how best to care for a scratch to the trail was invisible. There are several methods for removing scars and if your scratch zarubtsuetsya, then over time you can make the scar less noticeable and lighten it.
Scratches are not recommended to gloss over foundation or powder - this they did only noticeable, and you can carry infection. Mask can track from scratch, that is pinkish strip that remains after falling crust - it seal the foundation or proofreader, lightly powder the top.