How to moisten the nasal mucosa

How to moisten the nasal mucosa
 Drying of the nasal mucosa leads to a weakening of local immunity and colds or flu. Very often, this problem occurs in winter, when precipitating factor is a strong frost. Moisten the nasal mucosa can be, without the help of doctors.
 Moisten the nasal mucosa will lightly salted water. Dissolve in a glass of boiled water half a teaspoon of sea salt, mix well and strain. Bury 4 drops in each nostril once a day. Instead of salted water helps saline, use it in a similar way. If you are confused by the use of salt solution homemade, buy drops based on seawater.

The positive effect on the nasal mucosa provides water with silver ions. It is sold in pharmacies. Ask your pharmacist "Moonlight", "New Camelot" or "Moonlight dew." Detailed instructions are included with each bottle miraculous water. On average, you need to irrigate the nose 3 times a day. If the solution is used in the period of the disease, the runny nose pass quickly enough.

If unpleasant sensations in the nose appear at night, then get rid of them will help hot tea. Drink before bedtime weak tea with honey, fit and warmed juice or milk - it depends entirely on your preferences. The effect persists for long, so if you need the morning to go to work, and on the street too cold, drink hot coffee or cocoa.

When dry nose pronounced and causes discomfort, you can get help oil. Bury 2 drops into each nasal passage sunflower, grape, olive oil. In the dry rhinitis, use tea tree oil. If you see a burning, change the oil on the other. Some people best suited olive oil, and others, such as grape seed.

Also moisturizing effect on the nose have mucolytic agents. But take them just yet undesirable. But if you're in the moment, feel free to take a decoction of licorice or other drugs.

Tags: nose, mucous, sinus, humidification