How to improve blood clotting

How to improve blood clotting
 Low blood clotting - a common phenomenon. It is due to a deficiency of vitamin K. Particular attention should be paid to blood clotting before surgery, in order to avoid problems.
 At low blood coagulation influenced by a number of reasons. It can be caused by a lack of strong immunity, infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the body, hereditary diseases, excessive production of anticoagulants, impaired synthesis of fibrinogen and other factors. Insufficient blood clotting is especially dangerous during various injuries and bleeding due to the fact that it is not easy to stop, which ultimately can lead to anemia.

To increase blood clotting, it is important to pay attention to nutrition. Of course, medication, anticoagulants and vitamin K plays a major role in solving this problem. But with the help of properly selected products and advice of traditional medicine can also greatly improve the situation, and sometimes do without drugs.

It should be more to cook dishes from cabbage, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, beans and grains. They contain natural vitamin K. It is also not prevent there are berries and fruits as quince, oranges, barberry, dog rose, viburnum, currants, strawberries, melons, apples, cherries and blackberries.

With regular use of chokeberry and its juice not only increase blood clotting, but also strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which is essential for a quick stop blood. However, chokeberry lowers blood pressure, so it should be consumed with caution gipotonikam.

Leading position in the struggle with low blood clotting plays a herbal medicine. For example, the widely used decoction and infusion knotweed, nettle (it increases the hemoglobin and reduces blood sugar). Yarrow is also useful in view of the fact that dilates blood vessels, stops the blood and reduces inflammation. It is used in various types of bleeding, but do not forget that first and foremost it is a poisonous plant, and therefore requires the utmost caution in the application.

Increase blood clotting is not difficult, if you use the above tips, and they can be used to prevent its decline.

Tags: clotting, blood, vitamin shortage