How to do inhalation when coughing

How to do inhalation when coughing
 Inhalation when coughing very effectively - warm and wet steam facilitates expectoration, improves blood circulation and thins mucus. The therapeutic effect is enhanced by the addition of a solution for inhalation drugs and herbal infusions. Several procedures sufficient to significantly alleviate the condition - disappears dry and sore throat, begins to cough.

Do you need to inhale when you cough properly, following the particular procedure. To maintain therapeutic effect and to enable the drug to act, not necessary to consume the food and after the procedure for one hour.

The standard is 2 inhalations twice a day - morning and evening. The duration of inhalation should not be less than 10-15 minutes. Some diseases require an increase in the frequency of treatments are also carried out with the purpose of inhalation cupping cough (bronchial asthma).

Before the procedure, it is not necessary to take expectorant drugs, rinse or splash throat. Breathing during inhalation must be properly - first is breath through your mouth, then there is a delay of breath for a few seconds, exhale through your nose done. In this way, a major portion of a pair of healing goes directly to the respiratory tract, which is important in the treatment of cough.

Solutions for inhalation may be different, depending on the type of disease. If you do inhale when you cough to improve sputum discharge, the suit soda solution or warm mineral water. In the initial stages of colds useful to breathe over potatoes - such steam inhalation soften the throat, relieve hoarseness, cough make productive.

Diseases of the bronchi well treated inhalations with garlic or turpentine. Oil inhalation (fir, eucalyptus, Monarda, basil) can help prevent or stop an attack of breathlessness in asthma and bronchitis.

Contraindication for inhalation is the presence of high temperature, pulmonary edema, purulent inflammation and pneumonia. Some people may be idiosyncrasy procedures, bleeding tendency, cardiovascular problems - in these conditions inhalation prohibited.

Tags: effect, cough, asthma, inhalation