How to cure a headache folk remedies

How to cure a headache folk remedies
 If headaches are infrequent and occur occasionally, despite the fact that the situation is unpleasant, specific reason for concern. Rather, they are associated with fatigue or excessive voltage. Can help traditional medicines. Certainly among them there is something that will help you.
 Quickly deal with headaches, you can use hot water. Just wash your hair, and the crown and nape massage hot jet. This massage helps to dilate blood vessels that actually relieves pain.

Helps compress infused with alcohol such herbs as lemon balm, mint, coriander. Take 20 g of dry grass of each type, fill with a solution of 100 ml of alcohol and 200 ml of water in a day infusion of strain and store in refrigerator. As necessary, dampen it a towel or tissue and apply to the temples.

Help and cold compresses made from a solution of apple cider vinegar. To make it dissolve a tablespoon of vinegar in a liter of cold water. Soaked towel or napkin apply to temples, neck and forehead.

Take two pieces of fresh cabbage, each notch in several places and push the back of the head and temples.

Excellent remedy for headache is oregano. You can just smell the dried inflorescences, you can make a decoction of herbs and wash them down.

Another way to get rid of a headache - coffee with sugar and lemon. A cup of coffee put 2 teaspoons of sugar and squeeze the juice of half a lemon. It is not only effective, but also tasty medicine. Helps to relieve some twinge of green tea with lemon and honey.

Used before for pain relief healing power of birch. Wove a wreath of twigs and put on his head.

Try and is an effective tool, as clover infusion. Need a cup of boiling water to make 1 teaspoon dried red clover flowers and take half cup 3 times a day.

Tested remedy for headache - Warm potato poultice. Boil the potatoes in their jackets and warm untreated tubers attach to the temples.

Pour half a tablespoon of herb mint glass of hot water, close lid and heated in a water bath with constant stirring for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and add boiled water to drink. Take a remedy for headaches in the form of heat for half a cup 1-3 times a day for 15 minutes before eating. Infusion store in a cool place, but not more than 2 days.

Some types of headaches can be caused by low and high pressure, and the choice of method should be made only after the pressure measurement.

Tags: means pain, headache, prescription, treatment