How to calm night cough

How to calm night cough
 Cough - a defensive reaction by which the body is derived from the respiratory tract mucus, dust and other foreign bodies. A lot of diseases are accompanied by a cough, including tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, etc. In most cases, the cough becomes much stronger at night. This is due to the fact that in lying position the body of mucus output is much more difficult. Choking attacks nocturnal cough - rather unpleasant phenomenon that must be addressed.
 If you or your child regularly disturbed nocturnal cough attacks, should immediately seek medical attention. The fact that the cough is not itself a disease. He may indicate viral or bacterial infection, bronchitis, laryngitis, violation of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as a host of other diseases. Only a doctor can properly diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment, do not try to do it yourself.

You can try to ease attacks nocturnal cough during treatment. Try to drink as much milk or warm tea - liquid coats the fabric softens them and makes them less severe cough. A cup of warm broth will give you a deep sleep at least a few hours.

If the attack is still started, it can be stopped. Take a glass of milk, add the teaspoon of butter and boil. Now add the milk a little pinch of baking soda. Drink the mixture until it is hot. This tool will allow you to sleep peacefully. If the attack is so strong that you just boil the milk can not, then have a drink plain warm water - any liquid will be able to calm the night time cough.

If your cough is caused by allergic reactions, swelling of the airways, you should take an antihistamine before bedtime ("Suprastin", "Loratadine", "Tavegil") - they will remove swelling and prevent spasms. Before taking you should consult with your doctor - he will prescribe a daily dose and mode of administration.

If the cough is dry night, then you should try taking expectorants that you should appoint a doctor.

Very useful is the decoction of pine needles, which need to breathe steam. Before going to bed inhale or just cook the broth and place a container with him beside the bed. Inhalation of the vapor lift spasms of the airways and stop the attack.

Tags: cough, night