How to bring down the lower pressure

How to bring down the lower pressure
 Diastolic or lower pressure, - a measure of pressure in the arteries during the cardiac muscle relaxation. Transient increase in lower performance can be caused by a violation of the diet, a large volume of circulating fluid. With this you can manage at home with improvised means. But if rates consistently high, you should consult your doctor.
 If you measure the pressure and diastolic constitute more than 90 mmHg, it may be associated with fluid retention: receiving a large amount of alcohol, overeating products which contain a lot of salt, preservatives, seasonings and spices. To reduce the pressure, observe the lower calorie salt-free diet for 1 week later discard excessive consumption of salty, fatty, spicy, canned foods, reduce the amount of caffeine, give up alcohol and tobacco products.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle with moderate exercise, avoid stress enough time to devote to sleep and rest. Remember that even short-term increase of the lower pressure - it is a harbinger of hypertension, that is, you are at risk of non-compliance and a healthy lifestyle will result in serious illness.

Additionally, within 1 month, take diuretics charges of horsetail grass, plantain leaves, cranberries, chamomile, motherwort, peppermint. Also efficiently take drugs for one week with potassium and magnesium.

If the lower pressure rose for the first time or not kept constantly at high elevations, contact your doctor cardiologist. You will spend a full medical examination and appoint the necessary preparations that will maintain blood pressure at a stable level.

Most often, the doctor prescribes drugs for the treatment of hypertension and diuretics such as "Hypothiazid" in conjunction with "Atenolol" or "enalapril", "Enap", "Veroshpiron", "Renitek." Doses of drugs and how to use them can choose a doctor based on the results of the survey.

When you buy an unstable pressure tonometer and conduct systematic monitoring several times a day, to comply with any recommendation of a doctor and go through a second medical examination.

Tags: pressure method, the drug, reduced