Tooth sensitivity, its causes and treatment

Tooth sensitivity, its causes and treatment
 Tooth sensitivity (hypersensitivity) - can deliver a lot of trouble. It seems that our teeth begin to respond to any stimuli: hot, cold, sweet, spicy. Medical statistics of recent years has shown that the treatment for dental care about tooth sensitivity increased several times - it says about the growth of non-carious disease. What is the cause of hypersensitivity, and what tools can prevent it, tell a women's magazine JustLady.

Increasedtooth sensitivity to thermal, mechanical and chemical stimuli accompanies many diseases: dental caries, periodontal disease, and the erosion of enamel hypoplasia. However, the occurrence of unpleasant and sometimes painful symptoms and strongly possible and without visible defects in the structure of enamel and dentin.

Dentists are three types of lesions in hypersensitivity: when the reaction occurs only at temperature influence (tooth sensitivity to cold-hot); when a response to painful thermal stimuli is added to the chemical reaction effects (acute, sour, etc..); and the third stage is determined by the onset of pain to any stimulus.

Increasedtooth sensitivity not only causes suffering, it is a serious obstacle to the treatment of the patient, as difficult all dental procedures. Pain can have a different character from dull to sharp pain and manifest as in the whole group of teeth, and in a separate area of ​​the tooth. In most cases, systemic hypersensitivity occurs (generalized) arising in connection with the functional failures of the body. Its causes may be different borne diseases, deficiency in essential minerals (violation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism) and even nervous stress. Non-systemic (limited) hypersensitivity affects individual tooth and is caused by defects of enamel and dentin.

Tooth sensitivity: Causes

The mechanism of occurrence of hypersensitivity simple: a variety of reasons tooth enamel becomes thinner, opening small canals located in the dentin layer. These tubules lead directly to the pulp and tooth nerve, and if they are exposed, any external stimulus causes discomfort and pain. Damage to the tooth enamel can cause a variety of reasons.

• Malnutrition does not provide the body substances and minerals needed to maintain the normal state of the enamel, and excessive consumption of sweets, sweet drinks and acidic foods lead to a breach of PH-balance and chemical degradation of the protective layer.
• Hard toothbrush and toothpaste abrasive elements mechanically damage the enamel, gum tissue provoke atrophy as a result of which may expose you to the neck of the tooth.
• Failure to comply with the rules of hygiene oral care and untimely appeal to the dentist if you have problems with your teeth - another reason painful sensitivity. This may also include the habit of compressing teeth, biting his nails, etc., which lead to cracking and disintegration of the enamel.
• The sensitivity of the teeth to cold-hot may be the result of inflammation of the dental pulp or nerve. It may occur after treatment tooth dentist or after taking cold food. If the pain is not like in a few days, swollen gums, swelling appeared - a sign of an abscess (severe inflammation) and you should see a doctor immediately.

Tooth Sensitivity: treatment

Treatment given after the cause of increasedtooth sensitivity. First, the dentist will conduct a general inspection of the mouth, isolate and repair the damage to the teeth: enamel defects, caries, pulpitis, tartar. After that cause teeth remineralizing agents or special varnish that covers the micropores in the enamel. Due to the high content of fluorine, they raise the threshold of sensitivity of nerve fibers and saturated tissue phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. For better penetration of therapeutic drugs used in dental tissues iontophoresis - physiotherapy method of administration of drug solutions using weak galvanic current discharges. Thereafter, the patient can continue treatment on their own, with the help of special nozzles Cap with desensitizing (lower sensitivity) substances.

Do not let the teeth "slobber"

Tooth sensitivity, of the reasons we told above, can be prevented by observing some simple rules:

- Pay attention to your diet food, avoid acidic and sugary foods and drinks, pay more attention to products, which include vitamin A (liver, eggs, carrots), calcium and phosphorus (milk, cheese, sea fish). Try after each meal rinse your mouth.

- Get a toothbrush with soft bristles, brush your teeth without hard pressure and sudden movements. Do not abuse paste with whitening effect - abrasives contribute to abrasion of tooth enamel. Use the special treatment paste containing potassium and fluorine compounds, they reduce dentinal sensitivity layer.

- Be wary of whitening procedures, the most gentle method withtooth sensitivity - Ultrasound or laser whitening. And do not forget about the routine inspection of the oral cavity - you must visit the dentist every six months.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: sensitivity, treatment, hyperesthesia