Prolonged hiccups

Prolonged hiccups
 The longest hiccups lasted 68 years. American Charlie Osborne 1884 birth began to hiccup at the age of 38 years and hiccuping until his death (1990). And you had the hiccups? We are confident that you answered yes, because all hiccup, though they do not know what a hiccup in fact. Hiccups - is accompanied by a strong breath involuntary muscle contractions of the larynx and diaphragm - the muscle, designed to expand the lungs. As a result of contraction of the muscles of the respiratory system vocal cords are closed and there is familiar to all sound hiccups. And that is why people suddenly find themselves beginning to hiccup and can not stop and what to do, and you learn from this article women's magazine JustLady.

Causes hiccups may be several. As a rule, you ikaete because that nerves of the brain responsible for the operation of the diaphragm and larynx, too angry or irritated themselves appeared nerves of the larynx and diaphragm. Another cause of hiccups may be responsible for irritation of the breathing process intercostal muscles. For this reason, a so-called "trivial hiccup". It usually occurs suddenly and disappear just as quickly, bringing a couple of unpleasant moments. And if for us - ordinary people, all the same hiccups, experts distinguish several different kinds of trivial hiccups: central, toxic, peripheral and counter hiccup. There is another kind of hiccups -prolonged hiccups. Hiccups that a person can not control or cure yourself.

Peripheral hiccups usually associated with malfunction of the phrenic nerve (with neuritis, tumors, inflammation or compression of the phrenic nerve). The reason for the occurrence of peripheral hiccups can also be irritation of the vagus nerve, but only in the presence of gallbladder disease and gastric diseases.
Toxic hiccups, mainly associated with the intake of harmful substances. Toxic hiccups faced by people uraemic patients, because a partial failure of the kidneys leads to contamination of the blood, as well as patients with diabetes mellitus. Diabetics have blood accumulates too many toxic metabolic products, which irritate the nerves. Toxic hiccups same occurs in people after anesthesia, as well as people prone to severe intoxication. A striking example - botulism, a severe toxic disease usually occurs as a result of food poisoning. If poisoning people can uncontrollably hiccup.

Central hiccups - the most common. It was she who pesters people in most cases. Central hiccups connected with brain or spinal cord. These can be stroke, meningitis, encephalitis, and malignant tumors. Hiccups caused as a result of irritable weakness or nervousness, is also the center. More there reflected the hiccups, which occurs in diseases of the uterus, giardiasis, helminthiasis and other diseases of the area located far from the phrenic nerve.

But of all these kinds of hiccups, according to the women's magazine JustLady, the most famous -neukrotimaya or so-called "benign" hiccups, which can occur in anyone, even a healthy person. Most often the victims ofprolonged hiccups become men. "Benign" hiccups usually occurs as a result of damage to the nervous system or of the chest. Hyperextension of the stomach and excessive drinking, general intoxication, consumption of dry and hard food, as well as liver and kidney pathology (impaired excretory functions) may also give rise toprolonged hiccups.

Hiccups - though not a disease, but the phenomenon is rather unpleasant, both for the hiccupping, and for others. It comes suddenly exasperated and makes others uncomfortable feeling of the victim. Cure hiccups in various ways. The method of treatment depends on the type and hiccups caused the cause, although sometimes hiccups may occur for no reason.

From the most ordinary "banal" can easily get rid of hiccups, holding his breath, thus increasing the level of carbon dioxide in the blood. This is perhaps the easiest way to get rid of hiccups, which everyone knows. To stop hiccups, you can also provoke sneezing or gag reflex to "knock down" configuration of the body and cause the nervous system to redirect their attention to other problems. Traditional medicine advised to eat a sour or bitter, for example, a piece of lemon, or a drink in small sips a large glass of water. This method is quite effective, because the water you wash off with pharyngeal food debris, which could cause hiccups. An interesting way to stop hiccups when you need to open your mouth wider and stick his tongue out, holding it by hand. But if none of these solutions work and hiccups lasts more than an hour - go to the doctor. Also need to see a specialist if hiccup comes along with chest pain or heartburn.

Doctors know thatprolonged hiccups requires a more serious approach to the treatment. There can not do without the "heavy artillery" - antidepressants, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, and other psychotropic drugs. In severe cases, the treatment of "benign" prolonged hiccups inhalation use special breathing mixtures, sensing the stomach and esophagus, as well as novocaine blockade of the nerves of the diaphragm and in special cases may even resort to surgery.

 Tatiana Osipova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: hiccups, alcohol, drug poisoning, the occurrence of