How to treat Spurs

How to treat Spurs
 Heel spur - a bony overgrowth (osteophyte) on the surface of the foot. Osteophyte appears in the form of tongue and begins to squeeze the soft tissue of the foot. As a result, there are very painful.
 The cause of this disease may be trauma, vascular disorders, rheumatism. Also, the reason can be a big burden on the heel. Most often spurs occur in people over forty years. When this disease need to see a doctor, to treat yourself, you can shade only if after the onset of pain was not more than three days.

Treatment of heel spurs is reduced to the use of various insoles and thrust bearings that help relieve heel. Make mud applications, conduct ultrasound therapy. In some cases there may be a build-up removal surgically. Also, do not rule out the treatment of folk ways.

It is believed that from this disease can be eliminated by using vinegar and eggs. To do this, in any whole egg container pour vinegar, so that the egg was completely fluid. Remove the container for a week in a dark place. When the shell dissolved in vinegar, carefully remove the egg and rip his inner shell, pour the egg in vinegar. All mix and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. This means moisten a cotton swab and apply it to the affected area. Wrap with plastic film and wrap a scarf. Affliction will go through several sessions.

Will help to remove the spur and turpentine. On a clean, dry foot, apply turpentine and rub it into the affected area. Top wear woolen socks. Procedure needs to be done fourteen days, then make a week break and then repeat the manipulation of seven days. Procedure is desirable to do before going to bed.

You can also steam the leg and attach to spur slice of unsalted bacon. Curtains should disappear within a week. Can be applied to the sore spot crushed garlic, crocked in a rag. Hold until it is hot. Make sure that the weight of garlic not get on skin. To get rid of the disease in a plastic cover for jars, pour a tablespoon of iodine. Place the heel of the patient in iodine, and hold until it is completely absorbed into the skin. After five such procedures spur come together with the skin.

Tags: spurs, treatment method, osteophyte