How to treat spur folk remedies

How to treat spur folk remedies
 Heel spur is a result of inflammation of the soft tissue at the site of attachment of tendons to the calcaneal tuber and quickly begins to cause pain when walking. It appears at different ages, but generally suffer from this disease, men and women after forty years.
 Treatment of folk remedies takes time (2 to 6 weeks) and self-discipline. However, if you run a disease, get rid of the Spurs will be possible only with the help of surgery.

One of the most effective means - foot baths. Make them using a saline solution. Take better sea salt, but you can use cookbook.

To prepare the bath, in a liter of water dissolve 2-3 tablespoons (From top) salt. Take a very hot water to keep your feet well steamed. Then dip your feet in the tub and hold for 30-40 minutes. After that, wipe them dry and put on warm, preferably wool socks. It is best to take bath in the evening before going to bed and to sleep in socks.

Besides baths, traditional treatments spur suggest the use of a variety of means:

It hurts applied slice of bacon. At the foot fits tight enough that secures the "medicine" sock, then a plastic bag and one sock. Instead of lard, you can take raw potatoes and fix it with one toe.

Sore spot obkladyvayut clay or clay ointment. Pre-foot steam out in the bath. The procedure is performed every evening.

Dry flowers are lilac pour vodka 1:10 and insist 10 days in a well-sealed container. Infusion filter and then taken orally 30-50 drops diluted in a small amount of water, 2-3 times per day. The same tincture rubbed spur.

Take 20 g of crushed pine nuts, pour 200 grams of vodka and insist 10 days. Taken orally before meals 3 times a day.

Rub on a small grater black radish with the skin and apply the resulting slurry on the night to the affected area. Morning heel washed with warm water. Often enough the three procedures.

Plantain leaf (dirty) is applied to the inner side of the spur. After drying, the sheet was replaced with fresh. The first few procedures can be very painful, but two weeks later, as a rule, the Spurs are.

Three-liter pot filled with small potatoes, cook it until tender and mash feet up until the potatoes are cool. Then wipe off the feet, on the soles of iodine applied to the net and put on socks. The course consists of 7 such procedures.

Tags: means, spurs, treatment method