How to effectively treat heel spurs

How to effectively treat heel spurs
 Heel spurs called bony growths on the plantar surface of the calcaneus. Defect gives a lot of inconvenience, but apparently does not manifest itself. Diagnosis is based on X-ray, and treatment depends on the cause of the disease.
 The main symptom of heel spurs are severe pain in the heel when walking. At first, the pain subside by mid-day, but as the disease progresses, they become so tangible that people can not walk without crutches. Spur may occur as one or both heels.

The causes of heel spurs

Most often, heel spurs arises because of flat feet. This is due to the fact that for a given diagnosis load distribution on the foot varies considerably. This causes hyperextension of the tendon and, as a result, chronic inflammation of the surface layer of the bone.

Other common causes of heel spurs are:

- Overweight;
- A metabolic disorder;
- Repeated trauma heel, which is often found in athletes;
- Age-related changes in bone tissue;
- Rheumatism;
- Vascular disorders of the lower extremities.

Increase the likelihood of heel spurs can and infection, such as flu or sore throat, but this factor alone is not fundamental.

Treatment of heel spurs

In most cases, doctors recommend conservative treatment of heel spurs. If the cause of the disease was flat, the patient is shown wearing orthopedic insoles in combination with foot massage and physiotherapy.

Effective treatment is physical therapy, such as ultraviolet irradiation, ultrasound and electrophoresis. These procedures allow to normalize the blood circulation in the place of spurs and ease the pain.

In severe cases, a shock wave therapy. It not only eliminates the pain caused by heel spurs, but also promotes the resorption of the build-up.

Folk remedies, which are often recommended for the treatment of heel spurs, in the best case will help ease the pain for a while. Use them as the primary method for controlling the disease is not recommended.

If a sick man to step on the heel despite the implementation of a conservative treatment, doctors may suggest drug blockade or surgery. Go to last resorted to only in extreme cases, as recovery from surgery takes long and hard.

Tags: spurs, treatment, diagnosis, symptom