How to develop a leg fracture ankle

How to develop a leg fracture ankle
 Broken ankle - one of the most common injuries that threatens to limp for life. Save the situation can correct and timely treatment, provides a complete functional recovery of the ankle. Rehabilitation period should include physical therapy, physiotherapy, massages and the use of ointments local effects.
 In any fractures, including fractures ankle for quick recovery of its functions recommended daily massage. This is the best way to preserve the mobility of the legs. Try to move around the house more, gradually increasing the load. But it should be done carefully so as not to dislodge the bone. First, you need to move on crutches after using canes.

Warming and ankle pain relief rub into the affected area of ​​the feet "Dolobene-gel", which will make ligaments more elastic. Perebintovyvayte leg elastic bandage and do not forget to be checked regularly by a doctor and do X-rays.

At the time, walk with a cane buy special plastic, silicone or cloth fixing shoes: he will not let the foot shift and will protect the healing process. Of innovative therapies consider rehabilitation system called CPM-therapy (Continuous Passive Motion). The essence of this method is to develop a joint through "passive action", that is, using movements that are performed by a special device and do not require active contraction of the periarticular muscles.

During his illness, with healing of wounds and fractures of the body needs additional sources of minerals and vitamins. To strengthen bone advised to take "Calcium D3 Nycomed", "Vitofors" concentrates hawthorn and nettle, fees herbs with blackberries and cranberries. The pharmacy these funds without a prescription and can reduce the recovery period.

Vitamin mixture can be cooked to: Take 1 cup of raisins, walnuts, honey, dried apricots and 2 whole lemons. Raisins with dried apricots pour cold boiled water, and lemon juice to cut and vydushit. All the ingredients to grind through a meat grinder, mixed with honey. The resulting mixture 3 times a day after meal 1 teaspoon.

From folk remedies may be mentioned egg shell powder, calcium-rich (shell to grind and gradually added to food).

Pay attention to food. Will be useful cheese, bread with bran, fish, green vegetables, persimmon, cabbage, green beans, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, tree nuts, cow's milk and legumes, olives.

Tags: leg, Ambassador, fracture rehabilitation, ankle