How to calm a tooth nerve

How to calm a tooth nerve
 In advanced caries occurs inflammation and exposure of tooth nerve, there is pulp that causes severe pain. In this case, need help of a dentist, but there are tools that can act as an ambulance for your tooth.
 Crush 10 grams of comfrey root and fill it with 50 ml of 70% alcohol. Leave to infuse in a dark place for ten days, not forgetting periodically shake. Then strain the infusion. Moisten a cotton wool prepared remedy and apply to the aching tooth. Keep a compress to the disappearance of pain.

Take 30 grams of propolis, freeze it for easier grinding. Pour 200 ml of 70% alcohol and leave for ten days in a dark place, shaking occasionally. After this time, carefully filter the infusion. Applying this extract soaked fleece to the tooth quickly relieves pain.

Try to rinse infusion of sage. To make it, take three tablespoons of chopped herbs, fill it with 600 ml of boiling water, cover and wrap a towel, allow to stand for 20 minutes. Rinse your mouth every half hour.

Rub the gums over a sick tooth balm "Golden Star", or put him in cotton wool mouth. You can drip on wool two or three drops of iodine and put on the aching tooth.

Hydrogen peroxide (3%), dilute with water in a ratio of 2: 1. Moisten a cotton wool with the solution and place on the aching tooth. Typically, the pain disappears quickly for fixing effect can still some time later, the peroxide diluted with water in ratio 1: 1, to rinse the oral cavity.

Mash the garlic and mix it with black pepper in a ratio of 1: 1. Resulting slurry wrap in two layers of gauze and apply to the ear on the opposite side of the aching tooth. Pain in the tooth passes quickly.

If pain in the tooth came at night, you can not immediately apply to the dentist, and traditional treatments do not have the desired effect, take a tablet anesthetic, such as "Nise" or "Ketanov." Try as fast as possible to get to the doctor.

Tags: tooth pain, nerve, dental, anesthesia, pulpitis