Gingivitis - all about gum disease

Gingivitis - all about gum disease
 About oral disease we know not very much. About caries almost everyone knows someone in general understands that represents periodontal disease. But this, in general, and all. But oral disease is much more than the above two. One such disease - gingivitis. If you want to learn more about gingivitis, its symptoms and treatments, you will be useful article that you prepared for the women's magazine JustLady.

The most insidious disease of the mouth, this is probably the gingivitis and periodontitis, ie, inflammation of the gums. Alas, many people often do not treat these diseases - they say, no pain is nothing, so why go to the doctor. Meanwhile, a person may have a disease, even if he does not know about it. Why so? Because these chronic disease may occur and do not occur for many years.

What is gingivitis

Called gingivitis inflammatory process that takes place inside the gums and expressed redness, swelling, bleeding and pain in the gums. The very designation of the disease comes from Latin, where «gingiva» - it gums, and "um" in medicine refers to the inflammatory process. There are several types of this disease, and each has its own symptoms.

Gingivitis: Symptoms first form

Generalized Gingivitis occurs due to the presence of plaque, and it can be mineralized and soft. Affects the gums gingivitis entire jaw, even in acute forms of both jaws. Most smokers know from personal experience that such a generalized gingivitis. As the cause of this disease is the likely impact on the gum or aggressive media activity of pathogenic bacteria. If the form of generalized catarrhal gingivitis passed into acute, the gums begin to bleed and ache in the affected area significantly burning. If the form is chronic, the gum swells, becomes soft and cyanotic. Teeth in this form of the disease is usually covered with tartar.

Gingivitis: Symptoms second form

Another variation of the disease - hypertrophic gingivitis, in which gums begin to grow, and can even grow on tooth crowns. And it expands mainly outside. Under overgrown gum teeth are covered with solid coating, and between the gum and tooth sinus formed in which microbes begin to proliferate.

Gingivitis: Symptoms third form

When peptic form on the surface of the gums plenochka formed, which can be easily scraped off. However, this is not worth because of this, the gums begin to bleed profusely. People whose gums amazed by this form of the disease, feels discomfort, itching and pain in areas of the gums, which is located between the teeth. Needless to say, these unpleasant sensations. Moreover, the patient inflamed lymph nodes and fever.

Gingivitis: Symptoms fourth form

There are localized gingivitis, which, as is clear from the name itself, affects only some parts of the gums. Such a shape can appear gingivitis gums from injury or even from overactive dentifrice. The reason may be stuck between the teeth and food - ideal habitat for microbes. This type of gingivitis can be chronic and acute. If the form is chronic, the person when brushing your teeth, especially when the toothbrush is held on the gum areas between teeth, feels itchy. Gingiva may be bluish tint. Usually near the site of injury are bad teeth.

Reasons gingivitis

Causes of the disease can be internal or external. Internal: the lack of vitamins, growth of teeth (tooth hurts when growing gum), decreased immunity, the disease of the gastrointestinal tract and many other reasons. Exterior: burns, trauma gums, chemical exposure, infection, medical factors. The most common causes - infection, tartar, chemical irritation, smoking. The children often appear infectious gingivitis associated with poor oral hygiene. Also, gingivitis can occur in pregnant women (it is a separate form of the disease).

Gingivitis: treatment

General treatment of gingivitis involves the removal of tartar, plaque, thorough oral hygiene. Locally applied antiseptics and antibacterial agents (such as gel Metrogil Dent nitrofurazone rinse solution, hydrogen peroxide). Also, doctors in the first days of treatment prescribed analgesics.

Gingivitis treatment basically purports to eliminate the causes that caused the disease. That is, the treatment of this disease - is not only oral hygiene, and treatment of the underlying disease. If the gums bleed much, rinse their tanning solutions. For example, in traditional medicine is very good oak bark, sage, chamomile.

Prevention of gingivitis

Best way to prevent gum disease - carefully monitor oral hygiene. Brushing teeth should be at least two times a day, and it is desirable to use dental floss. Brushing your teeth need to carefully, slowly and slowly. Do not forget that you need to regularly go to the dentist, because people can not always identify the disease at how it can make a doctor. Especially because the disease is much easier to prevent than to treat.

Journal JustLady reminds you that keep track of your gums need the same care as their teeth.

Alice Terentyeva

Tags: gum, disease, illness, inflammation, symptom cavity