Funds from bloating: drugs and adsorbents from bloating

Funds from bloating: drugs and adsorbents from bloating
 Bloating, seemingly innocuous condition. It is usually blamed on increased flatulence when using certain types of food, such as raw fruits and vegetables, brown bread, etc. However, this may be a symptom of severe diseases, even stomach cancer. Therefore, if the bloating occurs constantly, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist.

What could be the causes bloating? This is, firstly, the eating of spoiled food. Very often it happens during a series of New Year holidays. Salads, harvested in advance, stand in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. And few know that mayonnaise added to them, enters with other products in a violent chemical reaction. At the same time, after more than five hours, produced by bacteria that can cause stomach upset. Therefore it is better not to cook, mayonnaise, ahead of time and add to the salad dressing just before serving.

If, nevertheless, as a result of the use of excessive amounts of heavy food for the stomach bloating occurred, we must act immediately. To begin with, dilute in half a glass of warm water bag "Smecta". This preparation consists of natural elements and has good absorbent and enveloping properties. Per day can be administered up to three sachets of powder. Contraindications "Smecta" are: intestinal obstruction and hypersensitivity to the drug (fructose and glucose). If after two days the symptoms of bloating do not pass or it is accompanied by severe pain, be sure to consult your doctor.

When the "Smecta" is not at hand, help the activated carbon. This medication must be in every medicine cabinet. It perfectly removes intoxication and outputs from the stomach of harmful substances. Take the calculation of the activated carbon is one tablet per kilogram of body weight. Between doses should be not less than three hours. But there is this tool and contraindications. He was never prescribed for stomach bleeding and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

If accompanied by bloating, heartburn, drugs may be applied based on magnesium and aluminum. They reduce the acidity of the stomach and eliminate caused her pain and colic. These drugs include "Gastal", "Almagel" and "Fosfalyugel." You need to use these drugs in accordance with the instruction or recommendation of the doctor. These funds are contraindicated during pregnancy, severe renal impairment, Alzheimer's disease. Children given them upon reaching the age of six.

In any case, if bloating after taking the medication does not pass for two days, accompanied by severe pain, vomiting, fever, be sure to consult your doctor.

Tags: means, abdomen, stomach, tablet, medicine, flatulence, indigestion, drug, bloating, adsorbent Almagelum