Treatment for nail fungus folk remedies

Treatment for nail fungus folk remedies
 Fungus on nails - a very common disease. It is quite difficult to treat. Most often, this ailment rid medical method, involving sometimes surgery. Some people cure fungus on nails traditional methods. However, doctors advise to use them in conjunction with pharmaceuticals.

Recipes of traditional medicine devoted to the treatment of nail fungus, a lot. The most common among them - iodine. Must be applied daily to the affected nail fungus alcohol solution, preferably 2 times: in the morning and evening. In the field of application in a few days you should see a slight burning sensation. This means that there is a treatment of fungus, and has the effect of the method chosen. Iodine treatment is 3 weeks.

Good help in the fight against this disease Kombucha. You need to bring a small plate of mushroom, attach it to the affected nails, cover with plastic wrap, secure with a bandage and put on socks. This poultice should be left for the night. In the morning, you must wash your nails and lubricate iodine. Such procedures can cause pain in the nail, but after 5-7 days of treatment effect will be noticeable.

Very common treatment for nail fungus using propolis. Must be applied on a daily basis nails cotton or gauze pads soaked in alcohol tincture of propolis. This procedure may discharge of the affected nail and the emergence in its place healthy.

Used in the treatment of nail fungus crushed mint. It is mixed with sodium chloride in equal proportions and put on a daily diseased nails, as well as the gaps between the fingers. Leave such gadgets for about an hour, repeating the procedure for 7-10 days.

Kalanchoe leaves are also used in the treatment of the fungus. It is necessary to remove the film on one side of the plant, wrap them each nail, apply a top polyethylene and bandage. This bandage should be left for the night and in the morning it is necessary to cut off the affected nail. Repeat the procedure to be the disappearance of the fungus.

You can soar on the night leg, previously dissolved in water 1 tablespoon salt and soda (per liter of water). Then mix iodine glycerin, vinegar essence (1 of each component), diluted with two parts of boiled water and lubricate steamed towel-dried and nails.

Tags: means fingernail fungus iodine treatment method