How to increase the reduced temperature

How to increase the reduced temperature
 The body temperature of 36 6 -36, 9oC considered normal for a healthy person. And the body is very sensitive to any change. One has only to temperature go up or down at least a 1 °, as people immediately feel weakness and malaise.
 If you can bring down the fever medication, medicines to improve it simply does not exist. Therefore, those who suffer from low temperature over a week, you should see a doctor to rule out anemia, endocrine disorders or cardiovascular problems, or immune system. Initial evaluation at a low temperature includes an electrocardiogram, blood test and examination by an endocrinologist.

It also happens that the reduced temperature does not cause any discomfort in humans and in the survey had revealed no abnormalities. Then we can say that the reduced temperature is normal for him. This condition usually occurs in people asthenic type and does not require treatment.

However, an unexpected decrease in temperature can cause excessive exercise, stress, diet, fatigue or just starting a viral disease, and in this case may help some simple but effective techniques.

At the first sign of low temperature - fatigue, drowsiness, cold limbs and shivering, you can drink a cup of hot invigorating drink, such as tea or coffee and something to eat. In the tea you can add ginger. Very effective in this condition a warm bath or a warm shower.

Good tonic ginseng and Siberian ginseng are. They can be purchased at any pharmacy in the form of tincture or tablets. Help as light exercise, walk in the fresh air and taking vitamins.

Should review your diet. Perhaps the reason for the decrease in body temperature has become too strict diet and a desire to lose weight.

Having feel better, do not immediately take up the case, engage in exhausting exercises or go to work. If possible, it is best to relax, spend the day in a relaxed atmosphere and analyzed, which could lead to a dramatic reduction in body temperature.

If the cause of low temperature is not any disease, after a rest and eliminate the cause of deterioration of health body to recover quickly, and the temperature returns to normal.

Tags: temperature, the person's body