How to fix the front teeth

How to fix the front teeth
 The beauty of a smile, and, accordingly, the front teeth, first draw the attention of the interlocutors. Well, if these teeth are healthy and look attractive by nature, but this is the exception rather than the rule. However, advances in modern dentistry can make almost any beautiful smile.  
 If the teeth are too long, chipped, chipped - they erode to create the correct form. After this procedure, contouring, deprived sections of grinding enamel are susceptible, so they are coated with a protective varnish with fluoride.

 If the front teeth are on top of each other, are located crooked - here to help braces. It is best to use these devices to restore a correct bite and tooth position in childhood, adolescence, and into adulthood can fix teeth using braces - only have to carry them up to 2 years.

Before the doctor will put breketnuyu system, it is necessary to cure all teeth and remove them from the deposits of tartar. Dental care when wearing braces needs more careful than usual. Brushing your teeth after every need of food, not just the usual, but also special, breketnoy brush.

 To smile quickly became a Hollywood-style ideal dentist may advise veneers. This thin plates made of ceramic, which almost imperceptibly superimposed doctor on your own teeth. Material veneers almost exactly replicates the tooth enamel and is made individually from dental porcelain.

Less radical way to improve the condition of the front teeth is their cleansing of tartar. This procedure can be performed with the help of dental equipment manually or by means of ultrasound, which is less painful. Teeth, removing the stones, polished and sanded. Teeth, of course, become whiter, but the enamel becomes thinner and thus erased. Therefore, when a batch bleaching, removing the stone must also closely monitor the teeth, apply medicated toothpaste with calcium salts and fluoride use elixirs for oral cavity.

In any case, the method of fixing the front teeth physician chooses. It was he who can professionally determine what is best to apply in a particular case, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Tags: tooth, fix, front, correction