Dark circles under the eyes of a child: fatigue or illness?

 Child - being gentle and extremely sensitive, so attentive mother can easily notice a change in his health by his behavior and appearance. After all, many of the diseases at an early stage are felt by some, albeit small, external manifestations. Often mothers worried about the appearance of blue or brown spots under the eyes. What is it - fatigue or illness? Today women's magazine JustLady tell about why there are dark circles under eyes in children and that this should be done.

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Appearancedark circles under eyes in children - Unhealthy phenomenon. This means that in the body there was a failure. This is not necessarily a terrible and incurable disease, do not need to be afraid of, but something obviously went wrong.

The delicate skin under the eyes of the child is almost transparent, and any disruption of the blood or lymphatic system immediately appear as darkening in this area. The reasons may be different disorders.

Dark circles under eyes in children may indicate the presence in the body of any infection. Brownish spots are the result of intoxication (poisoning) of the body waste products of bacteria, parasites, and the like. Harmful substances released into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.

Often the cause of this is the ordinaryworms. In order to avoid contamination of the child worm infections, care must be taken so that he washed his hands before eating and after using the toilet, to carry out daily hygiene before bedtime.

However, if you notice the appearance ofdark circles under the eyes of the child, It is better to show it to the doctor, only he can make the correct diagnosis based on laboratory testing and inspection of the baby.

Dark circles under eyes in children may be caused bychronic tonsillitis. This is also an infectious disease. If your baby has a cold frequently, has strep throat, there is a risk of chronic staphylococcal infection (which causes the disease aureus throat). If you try to verify that the source of infection independently and inspect the throat, you can see that the tonsils are enlarged, and they have a white or yellowish coating.

In this case, too, do not need to self-medicate, tonsillitis in the chronic form - the disease is quite severe, and wrong treatment can seriously harm. As in the case of complications can develop cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal and other.

If, together with the emergence ofdark circles under the eyes of the child you notice that your baby's face a few swollen, he had difficulty breathing through nose or mouth breathing generally prefers the night does not give you sleep heavy wheezing or snoring frank, we can talk aboutadenoids.

It is such a proliferation of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx, which covers the nasal passages and does not give the child to breathe normally. The cause of the adenoids may be many factors: the environment, frequent colds, genetic predisposition, and finally, an allergy.

Hike to the doctor in this case is mandatory, with adenoids you yourself can not cope - they are removed surgically. Let things drift also should not be, if nasal breathing is almost not at all, the brain does not receive the proper amount of oxygen. The consequences can be very unpleasant.

Allergy itself can also be the cause ofdark circles under eyes in children. You need to carefully monitor the child's reaction to all the factors that could cause allergies, remember, you have no allergic diseases in relatives and, of course, consult your pediatrician.

Caries and dental disease also may be manifested in the form ofdark circles under eyes in childrenSo accustom the baby properly and regularly brush your teeth and do not neglect inspections at the dentist twice a year. Your child's teeth, of course, still milk and they will fall, but if left untreated, the infection remains in the gums and go "inherited" a molar.

Dark circles under eyes in children school age can be a symptomvascular dystonia. In this case, you may also notice that he was pale, often complains of headaches or dizziness, stuffy, tires easily. Pediatrician in this case refer you to a neurologist, who will prescribe the right treatment, as well as gentle treatment: regular rest, walk in the fresh air, moderate exercise, and more.

Dark circles under eyes in children may be a sign of tiredness. In this case, you should try to arrange your child the correct mode of the day. Take care to spill it, walking on the street, less watching TV and playing computer games. Pay attention to his diet - it should be a regular and balanced, with plenty of meat, fruits and vegetables, dairy products. Necessarily need a well-chosen course of vitamins and minerals for a child that age.

This does not mean that you can relax and do not seek the advice of a doctor. In any case, when adark circles under eyes in children speculate or to diagnose yourself is not recommended. As can be seen, this can be as simple fatigue symptom or disease onset, and a signal that has passed the disease in the chronic stage (such as tonsillitis) and pull time pointless and even dangerous.

Be sure to pull the baby to the pediatrician at the reception, and he will direct you to other specialists necessary.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: spot, kid, fatigue, bruising, allergies, circle, flash, disease, child, dizziness, pallor, blue, stuffiness