Black spots before the eyes

 In recent years, you begin to notice that, stroking the light, you see before your eyes black spots, some strings, and even flashes of light. If you turn your sights to the other side, they immediately swim, following your gaze, and invariably fall into the field of view. Women's magazine JustLady tells its readers, where are the black spots before the eyes, and the reason for their appearance.

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To understand why thereblack spots before the eyes, You must first know what's inside the eye. The fact that the space between the retina and the lens of the eye is not empty. It is filled with the substance, in its gel-like consistency. This is called the vitreous gel.

Black spots before the eyes

Over time, as the body ages, the material is divided into two components: a liquid protein and fiber, which inherently is nothing like on dead molecules. And the ones you see when you look out the window and look at another stop light background. Of course, you do not notice these particles, but only their reflections, shadows they cast on your lens. In the mirror of course you also will not see anything.

Process in medicine is called vitreous detachment, because, in fact, it actually moves away from the retina, but especially should not be afraid. This does not mean that you do not need advice ophthalmologist, the sooner you get to it, the better.

Aging aging andblack spots before the eyes can also be symptoms of serious diseases, especially diseases of the eye. For example, if black dots becomes too much, then they can be formed blood clots, and is a sign of a much more serious illness - retinal detachment.

What is the reason for the appearance of black spots before his eyes?

As mentioned above, the first and most common reason - the general aging of the body. In a healthy person, such changes usually occur to 60 years and reach a peak-to-80.

However, the ailment can be subject to more young people. In the risk group, for example, patients with diabetes mellitus. By detachment of the vitreous is also a metabolic disorder (listen, lovers diets), vascular disorders. Oftenblack spots before the eyes occur after head injury or eye, infectious or inflammatory processes in the body, as a side effect after eye surgery.

In most cases, the disease does not require any operations, the risk of surgery is significantly higher than the intended benefits. However, in some cases it may be necessary to remove the vitreous body. What ultimately decides the doctor.

How to treat dark spots before your eyes?

The very process of detachment of the vitreous body is absolutely painless, although, of course, unpleasant. But over time, you will notice thatblack spots before the eyes annoy you have not so much. The fact that they gradually fall and drop out of sight, and those that remain, are less visible simply because you stop paying attention to them.

The ophthalmologist will examine your eyes carefully consider fundus with the help of special devices, conduct the necessary tests. If the thing is harmless vitreous detachment, the doctor will most likely prescribe you eye drops, vitamins and iodine-containing drugs. If you go to the doctor in the early stages, therefore, begin treatment on time, it is possible that the situation will improve dramatically, fibrous education as it will dissolve.

But in any case before the end of the process is irreversible, so do not expect miracles. But keep your eyes still need that to stop the progression of the disease. It should also be monitored periodically vision to find out whether it is getting worse, whether there are any new symptoms. It is particularly important to notice the time when it begins there is a significant difference in the severity or magnitude of the field of vision between the two eyes.

A simple comparison often helps to identify severe eye disease in its earliest stages, which affects the success of treatment. To control enough to periodically scan of each eye separately. To do this, simply close one eye, while others look ahead, focusing on some point. Look good enough you can see how wide angle of view from all sides, pay attention to the appearance (or increase in numbers)black spots before the eyesAs well as the threads and flashes of light. Note the changes that have occurred since the last inspection. Do the same with the other eye, and if there are changes, be sure to tell your doctor.

If the cause of theblack spots before the eyes to something else, you may need long-term treatment, and even a special operation. So, if in addition to blackheads, you notice that you have sharply deteriorated vision, there was something like a film which restricts or completely closes the sight of one eye, or black dots became too much to wait in any case be necessary seek medical advice immediately.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: spot, pregnancy, Ambassador, band, point, midge, Flash, disease, treatment, trauma, thread