Amniotic fluid index

Amniotic fluid index
 Pregnancy - is the period in a woman's life when the most important to carefully follow all the indicators of health status and mother and baby. One of the indicators, which is determined regularly during pregnancy - so-called index of amniotic fluid. This figure indicates the amount of amniotic fluid at the moment. And it is based on an index of amniotic fluid of pregnant woman doctor can diagnose "oligohydramnios" or "polyhydramnios."

The diagnosis of "oligohydramnios" indicates a decrease, in contrast to normal amniotic fluid volume indicators. This pathology provoke a number of diseases of the pregnant woman. Also oligohydramnios may occur due to the presence of pathologies of the fetus. Therefore, it is imperative that further research and detailed consultation of the doctor.

The diagnosis of "polyhydramnios" refers to an increased, in contrast to normal amniotic fluid volume indicators. The reason for this condition may be fetal abnormalities, infectious diseases, Rh factor and others. It often happens in multiple pregnancies. More research is needed, the doctor will determine acute or chronic is polyhydramnios and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Amount of amniotic fluid changes in the course of development of the fetus in the womb. Throughout pregnancy a special liquid is released from the amniotic sac. By the end of the third trimester of pregnancy the number of the liquid is 1 to 1, 5 liters.

Amniotic Fluid Index varies during fetal development. Also varies from month to month and the composition of the liquid itself. First amniotic water is a transparent liquid, and later, with the development of the fetus, their composition is changing: they become more cloudy.

Amniotic fluid - this is the first habitat for future baby. And the composition is important not only water, but also their total amount. The optimum amount of liquid, which will indicate the index of amniotic fluid, will provide the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy.

Amniotic fluid index is determined by a pregnant woman during the mandatory ultrasound. Rate of amniotic fluid index can be determined by special tables that detail and is available painted index value of amniotic fluid.

Tags: liquid, water, pregnancy, index number, rate, fruit, trimester, polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios