Means for nail growth

 No matter how capricious fashion, no matter what new trends it is not invented, but a real, natural beauty will always be relevant. Even if you do not consider yourself a beautiful, neat and well-groomed appearance, which provides daily care of his beloved, will be beneficial to distinguish you from the total mass of women prefer artificial beauty. Clear skin, healthy hair and beautiful nails - a good half of all the virtues that can and should emphasize every woman.

Under the heading Trends: Dress in the Greek style

Today women's magazine JustLady offers to pay attention to your nails, namely diversemeans for nail growth.

Modern beauty industry enables women to be beautiful at any "original version". You can alter the face and reshape the body, highlights the shortcomings and hide defects. Especially impressive are the methods of "masking". You do not have expressive eyes? A good stylist will escalate you are eyelashes that. slightly drooping eyelids on a sunny day, you will be able to protect the face from sunburn.

Claims to the hair? A few hours at the hairdresser and you - the owner of the luxurious tresses, one stroke which can pereshibit fellow medium build. Or maybe you are concerned about your nails? This manicure escalate the desired length of the plate and place them on the paintings, worthy of the Tretyakov Gallery.

However, most women still prefer to have their ownBeautiful Nails and doing everything possible to achieve this goal. Fortunately, modern cosmetic industry has taken care of them.

In order to grow long nails, you need to perform only three rules:protect, strengthen and nourish the nail plate. And, of course, is of great importance correctly and regularly perform manicures. In beauty salons offers even a special Japanese manicure, in the course of which is applied to the nailsSerum nail growth and nutritional paste that will "feed" your nails for 2 weeks.

To protect against external factors - water, detergent - it is necessary to use rubber gloves. If you do not, it is unlikely you will helpmeans for nail growth. Also available are special creams that can protect your hands and nails from drying, strong contamination during specific works of harmful substances. Creams containing antiseptics, will save the nails from the penetration of bacteria and fungal diseases.

Tostrengthen nails also available creams and lotions that contain special ingridinty making nails stronger. Tofeeding Creams are best used with vitamin E, and their effects are most intensively.

Means for nail growth

Colorless enamel, which are applied under the colored nail polish, or yourself, are designed tostrengthening and nail growthThey contain moisturizers and vitamins. Special means of oil-based turn off a vitamin complex, as well as algae extracts and plant proteins. They improve blood circulation in the cuticle area, prevent delamination to accelerate nail growth.

Goodmeans for nail growth is a complex of vitamins and minerals ingested. It must contain vitamins A, C, E and B complex group, as well as calcium, magnesium and zinc. And it is better to purchase a special package designed for these purposes.

Folk remedies for nail growth

Means for nail growth

In addition to all these tools can also be usedfolk remedies for nail growth. First of all, pay attention to the ordinarylemon. If you cut it in half and dip the tips of the fingers and nails into the flesh, this will be a great firming, vitamin and whitening mask.

Strengthen and accelerate the growth andwarm baths with sea salt.

Well establishedoil bath. For their preparation, you will need natural essential oils and 15 minutes of free time. Suitable oil peach, almond or olive, in which a few drops of lemon juice and vitamin A (available at pharmacies). Such baths soften cuticles that prevent damage to the nail plate, when you do a manicure, and at the same time will have a nourishing effect.

At home, you can also make a special ointment for nail growth. To do this, you will need 40 ml calendula oil, 1 hard-boiled egg yolk and about 5 grams of beeswax. Wax put on a water bath and heated. When it has melted, add the butter and mashed yolk. The mixture was further heated, stirring constantly, until it becomes a homogeneous mass density of sour cream. The resulting ointment rubbed into the nail plate at night.

Next popularmeans for nail growth can be used daily as a cream. Take a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream and add them to 40 drops of oil of burdock, calendula and sea buckthorn. Pour in to the same 30 ml of aloe juice. Mix well and rub into the nail plate and cuticles.

In conclusion I would like to remind you that no matter how effectivemeans for nail growth you have not used, hope for immediate results would be unwise. In the end, one day nails grow approximately 0, 13 mm, and because you will take good care of them, they will add to the speed a little. But you can be sure that if you care about them and properly care, they will grow strong and beautiful.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: oil, growth, nail, mask, bath, vitamin, prescription, strengthening