How to treat nail disease

How to treat nail disease
 Beautiful nails - the face of every woman. They emphasize its image, complement the image and attract attention. What, if not perfect manicure, gives a woman confidence in his own irresistibility. However, only we know how much strength and patience required nail care.

Of course, everything is perfect if you are gifted by nature. And what about those who can only dream manicure while, but in reality the nails are broken, exfoliate and refuse to grow up. The first and most necessary - to plan a hike to a dermatologist. The doctor will examine and diagnose. Bundle, cracking and uneven structure of the nail can signal as banal lack of vitamins, as well as more serious problems - fungal, endocrine, or mental illness.

Recognize the problem yourself is difficult. Symptoms, as well as the reasons may be many. If the nails exfoliate or have other cosmetic (in your opinion) the defect, it is necessary to exclude more serious disease. In the first place, to do the scraping and blood tests in dermatological study. This procedure will not cause trouble and will not take much time. If the result can immediately get to work.

If the blood test showed the presence of anemia, a serious treatment of medical treatment is necessary to add the consumption of lean meat, liver, vegetables and legumes. Also well suited cocktails juice of cucumber, beets and carrots mixed with half a lemon and a spoon of sour cream. Such a set of vitamins dissolved in the sour cream, quickly put you on your feet.

There are several ways to combat diseases of nails that have arisen in the case of malnutrition, lack of vitamin D, calcium and silicon. Firstly, it is worth thinking about diet and adjust rules. You will be helpful: oily fish, cheese, seaweed, honey, nuts and any products containing calcium and iodine. Also, do not harm the general vitamins or purposeful action.

In case of violation of nail growth dermatologists advised to take salt baths in warm (not hot!) Water. Dilute a spoonful of salt in the bath and add a drop of iodine. These ten-minute treatments and massages nails with olive (or any cosmetic) oil will help to strengthen the nail plate and stimulate growth.

Tags: nail care, illness, structure, plate