Artificial nails: what to look for

 Artificial nails - it is the most convenient way to quickly get a great manicure. However, not all options "build" safe. How to choose the right technique and care for artificial nails?

Says specialist nail service Maria Igorevna Nasonova.

Liquid plus powder

There are two methods of creating artificial nails. The first is the formation of the nail from the polymer mass. The second is based on the fact that the nail is created in advance of TIPS. This piece of plastic that simulates the nail. Then, the finished nail tip is attached to the nail via the same polymer mass.

The procedure of building popular in large part because artificial nail looks almost no different from the present. And if the polymer nail plate and break, they fairly easy to repair, but not so on natural nails.

Nail extension became popular in the early nineties. The original technology was based on the use of acrylic, which is a compound of liquid and powder. Acrylic nails are made as at the tips, and the forms.

Their main advantage is that they protect the natural nails from excessive moisture. Also acrylic is good because it protects nails from the adverse effects of the environment. This material is very thin and plastic. Artificial acrylic nail stronger this fifty times. Acrylic nails are held three to four months with monthly correction.

However, the technique of acrylic "capacity" to quickly become obsolete for several reasons. Initially, women who did not know anything really about the technology, scared unpleasant smell. Later, the scientists decided to explain in detail what is acrylic. And it discouraged to increase the nails on this technology. It turned out that the nail material - toxic and corrosive compound. It is not the best way affects both the natural nails, and the whole body. As a result, there was a need to develop new methods of building. Because the demand for acrylic harmful gradually dropped to zero.

Healing resin

A new method of building, which appeared much later, immediately got enormous popularity. Gel technique known as resin, based on the use of all natural and semi-synthetic materials. Gel nails are made up sixty percent of the resin of coniferous trees. It has been proven that they are absolutely safe for health.

Additionally, the nails breathe as a gel formulation breathable. Together with the bactericidal properties of the resin it has a healing effect on natural nails. Unlike acrylic gel nails thin and flexible, so they look more natural.

Although there are drawbacks. Firstly, if a nail broke, then fix it is no longer possible. Have to remove and build a new one. Second, gel technology is much more expensive than acrylic. However, you are welcome to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of techniques, focusing on this table.

Recently in the gel were building their new products - for example, building silk. Its essence is that under the nail tip glued silk fabric, which then becomes transparent. The preform is transferred to a natural nail. Today, silk is considered the fastest and cheapest kind of building.

Needless gel buildup creates unlimited space for imagination. Therefore, this technology is perfectly suited to lovers of experiment. Gel allows you to vary the forms. It also allows you to insert a nail beaded jewelry or colored foil, use paints with holograms.

If you want to get beautiful nails cheaply and as quickly as possible, you can use the finished product of some firms. Usually they offer for sale disposable kits for home "building" nails. But active substances in these sets do not always match the quality of professional materials and without proper skills can be harmful.

Carefully, fungus!

Yet capacity can not "walk" on the nails without consequence. Sometimes a master wrong when applied material, sometimes the material is of poor quality. And if you accidentally damage the nail, it may cause microtrauma and under the stratum corneum gets infected.

The most common nail disease associated with the building, is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, better known as mold. Most often, it occurs due to incorrect material superimposed.

If the mold is not promptly treated, it gradually grow into a fungus. Fungus on nails - something particularly nasty. After cure it, without damaging its wonderful "accrued nails" is not possible.

The probability of occurrence of the fungus is very high, when a patch is created and artificial nails so-called greenhouse effect. He contributes to moisture and creates favorable conditions for the development of mold first, and then the fungus.

The most common fungal disease - candidiasis and onychomycosis. They destroy the nail plate, strain it, the nail starts to crumble, yellow or blacken. As a result of all this can lead to loss of the nail. This is indicated by dermatologists, but often do not warn in beauty salons, where there are no doctors.

No less dangerous nail dystrophy. It destroys the nail plate, and then can destroy the nail itself. Smaller trouble carry with them irritation or allergy. But they can only occur if you prefer a mixture of acrylic.

In addition, capacity is not desirable to use those who take antibiotics suffer from diabetes or bowel disorder. In this case there will be a process of natural rejection of the nail, and he long you will not stretch.

Protects nails

The first month and a half "accrued" nails look great. But after this period, they need mandatory correction. The main problem is the so-called stress line nail that regrowth as it is constantly moving. To control this movement, once a month, and the correction of.

It is necessary to know what to wear "accrued" bad nails: from natural blood circulation. Because of this, they become numb or even atrophy.

To your natural nails have always been healthy and never breaks down, you need twice a week to make a bath. The most simple and effective - of vegetable oil with the addition of three drops and five drops of iodine glycerol. Dip your hands for five to ten minutes in the prepared solution. After that, dab them with a napkin and lubricate firming cream polish.

To strengthen nails not less useful and soda baths. For them need a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water, you can add a few drops of iodine. Water temperatures of 37-38 degrees. Dip in a solution fingertips for fifteen minutes. Do this procedure every day for ten days. Then give your nails a rest for five days, and again repeat the course of ten treatments.

Diet for manicure

Imposing artificial nails, make sure that the present were also in order. The main component of healthy nails is proper nutrition. Your diet must be present foods rich in iodine, iron, calcium and B vitamins

To strengthen nails useful eat meat and poultry that contain iron. To replenish zinc enter in your daily diet of shrimp and beans: soy, peas, beans, lentils. Eat citrus and kiwi - they are rich in vitamin C. But from the strong black tea should be abandoned.

Nail growth depends on many factors. First of age - a young man they grow much faster. Influences and weather - during the warmer months, their growth accelerates. Very useful for nails activism - a set on the keyboard, piano playing. But the cold or the sun make nails brittle and frequent washing or washing hands with soap and water - soft. Therefore, in order to preserve their beauty need to use special moisturizing creams or oils.

And remember that no extensions will not replace natural nails. Therefore, if you have beautiful nails, do not use artificial.

Tags: nail extensions