Nails begin to break down when the body lacks calcium. Bring in your diet cottage cheese, oily fish, cheese and other foods that are rich in these minerals. Take baths for hands with the addition of oils. They can be applied with a brush directly on the nail plate and surrounding skin. Nails gain a healthy glow, get stronger, disappear unpleasant burrs.
To strengthen nails do the bath. A glass of warm water, take a spoonful of sea salt and a few drops of lemon juice. Course duration 14 days. Do the procedure before going to sleep better. In this case, the action will continue until the morning. If the nails become useful flake paint them with iodine. Apply the solution with a brush. The procedure is done before bedtime.
Always use a variety of hand cream. Well, if they are based on glycerol. The skin becomes soft and velvety. To soften the cuticle, use a special tool, you can also use apricot stick.
While working with chemicals do not forget to wear rubber gloves. In winter, put on protective hand cream.
If the nails are dark with cleaning vegetables, whiten them using castor oil and lemon juice.
Should not do manicure on contaminated and dry skin. Rasparte nails in the bath or shower after conducting the procedure.
Massage hands and nails with a special oil or cream has a positive effect on the skin. Also stimulates the growth of the nail plate.
To restore healthy nail colors prepare special ointment. Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and glycerin with 3 tablespoons of rose water. Stir until smooth and rub into the nail plate every day.
Gelatin mask strengthen weak and brittle nails. Pour into a glass of hot water. Dissolve half a tablespoon of gelatin. When the mixture has cooled, dip your nails in the solution for 15 minutes. Perform the procedure several times a week.